A Murder and it's Afterlife

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To skip rant, ignore the bold paragraph below-

WICKED. My love, my life, MY OBSESSION. Yes I live and breath Wicked. I have taken two classes, read EVERY BOOK (for better or worse), and seen the show live eight times. I have a poster in my that has almost become a shrine... O_O


 First and foremost, I do not own Wicked. End of story. Also, almost everything that Boq, Nessa, and Elphaba SAY/SING (I didn’t say think!) in the prologue is taken directly from the Wicked script (See, no plagiarism involved!).  I’m sorry; I had to set a base so my story wouldn’t be confusifying to the lesser Wicked Fans. I know all you die-hard Wicked fans know what happens. But, read the prologue, it might surprise you. Please do not steal any part of this story. I own it for the most part. Alright! The stage is set, the curtains are drawn, let the story begin!



Nessarose Thropp quietly sipped her tea Boq had given her. Even though it tasted horrid, she took any chance for Boq to be around her; even if that meant he had to be her servant.

“Will there be anything else, Madame?” he said formally as she set down her tea.

“I’ve asked you to call me Nessarose, remember?” she replied.

“Yes, Madame,” was all he said, then he gave a curt, formal bow as he exited, leaving Nessa all alone.

“Boq…” she called quietly, but he was gone.

She hated her life. She didn’t like to be governor of Munchkinland, though that’s what she dreamed of all her life. It had its perks; the power, the authority, but Boq seemed to hate her for it, not love her. And she hated how he was so distant, and formal to her.

I deserve it, she thought. Passing laws to make him stay doesn’t make him love me they way he used to. But she knew deep down that was a long time ago.

She slowly picked up her hand mirror, locking eyes with her reflection. She had become so vain! She set down her hand mirror on her dining table then wheeled herself to her armoire so she could look at her self fully within the mirror upon it. Sometimes I can’t recognize the girl looking back at me, she thought, gazing into the eyes of the girl looking back.

Her reflection started to change becoming the strange pearly green parlor of her sister’s. Nessa quickly checked her hands to see if the skin color had changed as it had in the mirror. Her hands had not changed as it had in the mirror. Her reflection started to morph into the form of her sister.

“Well it seems the beautiful just get more beautiful,” a voice from within the armoire spoke, “While the green just get greener.”

Nessa gasped in horror, thinking she was going mad because she was seeing and hearing her sister in the mirror so suddenly. She wheeled back in shock, fumbling with her wheels, trying to get away.

Her sister, Elphaba, emerged from the armoire, scaring Nessa even more.

“I’m sorry did I scare you? I seem to have that effect on people…” Elphaba said nonchalantly. She seemed to be taking in the sight of her sister whom she hadn’t seen in years. “It’s good to see you.”

Nessa finally realized her sister was truly standing before her, Oz knows how she got in her armoire. “What are you…doing here?” Nessa managed to choke out.

“Well there’s no place like home.” she replied, gathering her nerve. “I never thought I hear myself say this but… I need father’s help. I need him to stand with me.”

A Murder and it's AfterlifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora