Chapter twentyfour-

Start from the beginning

'I aint Zion,' I said and she jumped into my arms.

'Ty he's back,' she said breaking down in my arms. I rocked her slowly and stroked her hair.

'Mum called me in the morning and told me to come over right away, so I went and there was this guy, and I was like who's he a-an-and s-sh-she s-sai-said,' she cried not finishing her sentence. I didn't get it. Some guy? Who the hell is she talking about?

'Who?' I asked.

'Dad,' she whispered clinging to me close. I started shaking. I wasn't going to cry but I felt tears running down my face.

'No, it can't be,'

'I saw him there with my own two eyes. I couldn't take it, I ran out and told Zion to pick me up and here I am,' she sniffed.

'So what he just showed up?' I said with nothing but hatred in my voice. She nodded.

'Get your shit together we're going there right now,' I said pulling away and pacing up and down the room. She put on her shoes and we walked out.

'Oii, I called and Zion came out of the kitchen.

'WOH, are you alr-'

'I'll get Charlotte to give you a call later, thanks for everything,' I said and we walked out.

I pulled up at mums and got out. Charlotte knocked on the door and mum opened letting us in. I didn't say a word to her I just walked into the living room and sat down. Then I remembered Tori can't sleep properly without some there so I pinged Daniel telling him to say with her because I won't be home and I turned off my phone.

'Where is he?' I asked rather rudely.

‘Jessie!' mum shouted and a man came running down the stairs. He looked a lot like me but a few shades darker. He had short hair which was had waves and two slits on his left eyebrows. He looked at Charlotte and then at me while I just sat there and glared at him.

'That must be Tyson,' he said not taking his eyes off me.

'And you must be the bastard who left my mum 20 years ago,' I said with no emotion.

'Now, you better watch your mouth young man,' he said clinching his fist.

'Or what? Jessie,' I said standing up. Mum looked scared and Charlotte was red in the face.

'Listen you don't know how it feels, to get a girl knocked up at a young age, with no money, no nothing. So don't stand there and give me none of that shit,' he said going red in the face.

'I do know how it feel, Tori's pregnant and I didn't even think about running away, I'm going to stay there till the end, but you... ha, you ran like a little coward,' I said on pure rage.

'Tori?' he said.

'Rita's daughter,' mum said quietly.

 'So you went and followed your father footsteps and got a girl knocked up,' he said sarcastically.


'That's why I came back. I made a mistake and I ran away from it, but I'm here so say I'm sorry,' he said also fighting back tears.

'After 20 year,' I said my voice breaking.

'I'm sorry,' he said.

'Sorry doesn't cut it,' I said shaking my head. I sat down and buried my head in my hand. I cried. I didn't know what else to do. You grow up without a father, no one to teach you all the things a dad is meant to teach you and after 20 years he just shows. Someone came and put their hand on my back. The door closed and I raised my head. Mum and Charlotte were gone. I moved away from Jessie and he shook his head.

 'What do I have to do?' He said tears rolling down his face.

'You should have been there,' I cried. He came and hugged me and I couldn't help but give in.

'I'm so sorry,' he said. After a couple of minutes I pulled back from him. His eyes were puffy. DAM! He looked just like me. He laughed.

'What?' I asked.

 'You look just like me but with your mum’s eyes,' he laughed.

'I was just thinking that,' I said smiling. Mum and Charlotte walked in and when mum saw me and Jessie her eyes lit up. Charlotte frowned and sat down next to me.

'You forgave him?' She whispered in my ears.

'He's not that bad...' I whispered back. She nodded and sat back.

'Charlotte,' he said but she didn't look at him.

'Princess...' he said again trying to get her attention. I kicked her and she glared at me.

'I'm sorry,' he said getting up and kneeling in front of her.

'You left us alone for 20 years and you think sorry is gonna cut it?' She said bursting into tears. He pulled her into his arms and she cried. Mum pulled me up and we left them alone.

We walked into the kitchen.

'I'm so proud of you,' she said giving me a hug.

'I still will never forgive him for what he did to you, to us,' I said.

'And that's understandable but your heart will heal,' she said rubbing my back.

'How's Tee?' she asked.

'Oh, she's alright...' I said.

'She's getting real close now aint it,' she said.


'You prepared?'

'I think so,' I said.

'Good, you and Charlotte might as well sleep over cause look at the time,'

'Yeah alright,' I said knowing Tori was alright


Hey guy! 

How've you been?

Sorry for the rubbish chapter, part of it got deleted and bla bla bla, so yeah xxx

I hope you guys are loving it and I'm sad to say my book is coming to an end and guess what....

I know what happens at the end!!

When I first started this book, Lord knows, I didn't know where this book was going but now I do!

Keep reading guys.

Much love,

Lisa xox

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