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a u t h o r ' s   n o t e

I finally figured out what to do with this book, it'll be based of the Spectacular Spider-Man Series and the ages will be 15-16.

I finally figured out what to do with this book, it'll be based of the Spectacular Spider-Man Series and the ages will be 15-16

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ALSO, this will be right after summer. The chapter before was how Peter got his powers!

🕷 🕷 🕷

2 months later...

J e n n i f e r  G r e y

I entered the school grounds, ready for another year of school torture. I spotted my group of friends and quickly dashed towards them. The first to notice me was Harry Osborn, a ginger with alluring green eyes that were a lighter shade then my own and had freckles splotched on his cheeks and nose.

I watched as he elbowed the blonde girl next to him; Gwen Stacy. She wore a pair of glasses and was also a science prodigy. She wore a red hoodie and kept her blond locks held back with a headband.

"Hi Jen" they simultaneously waved to me as I made my way towards them. I looked at Harry and he seemed to be lot more taller than I remembered and to think I was actually an inch taller than him last year.

Gwen on the other hand was rather short, she was about two inches shorter than me and reached up to my eyebrow.

"Where's Peter?" I asked and they shrugged. "Speak of the devil" I looked at Harry who was pointing behind me, I quickly spun around and waved but he seemed to be looking elsewhere.

I looked at to what he was gazing at and shook my head in pity. He was looking at Sally Avril, the stereotypical blonde Bilbo, cute but cacophonic and not to mention the fact that she is also a cheerleader.

"Pete!" He yelled and finally got Peter's attention. "This year is going to be different" he exclaimed and glanced back at Sally. I scoffed under my breath, did he really believe this year was going different? We were the classic school nerds, nothing's going to change.

He then looked at me and Gwen. "How did summer treat you?" He asked glancing back at me. Gwen was the first to speak. "Science camp was fun" she said flashing him a smile, he then looked at me expecting me to say something. "Got a tan from Egypt" I smiled flashing my slightly darker than usual arm arm at him.

I had gone to Egypt with my dad for two weeks, and we got to visit some tombs and even learnt how to recognise different hieroglyphic signs. He then turned to Harry who sighed. "Well the World tour sunk" Did I mention his father was Norman Osborn, the owner and founder of Oscorp?

"My dad spent the entire summer locked in his boardroom. So I spent the entire summer locked in boredom" he he explained his vacation, then leaned in closer to Peter to say something.
"I should've stayed in town with you Peter, I guess we could've done something together" he sighed once again, but this time in regret.

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