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I walked down the sidewalk quietly. I was heading to the town prison. Where my sister was currently under lock and key. I hadn't looked up from the ground since I left home.

The prison was a good mile or two from where I lived. And since I had arrived so quickly I was betting on a mile.

I glanced at the sign as I walked past it. Greenglass Correctional Facility.

I hated this place.

I walked in and headed to my sisters cell. I had been here everyday for two years. The guards ended up giving me the key to my sisters cell.

When I arrived I found her laying on her back on the cold metal bunk bed.

"What's wrong sis?" I asked entering the cell.

"Nothing, Valentine."

"Yeah. There's something wrong. You used my real name." I said and handed her the brown package I had.

She raised an eyebrow. "You didn't go through security did you."

"No. Let's hope they don't find out."

I watched her open the package and pull out a duvet and pillow.

"Awwww. You really are the best sister!" She said and pulled me in for a hug.

"Now tell me what's wrong."

"I can't wait until I get out of here so I can beat the living crap out of the actual robber."

"Were working on getting you out of here. Just be patient. I gotta go. "

"Alright. Be careful Luna."

I nodded and left.

Before I left I went by the guards office to let them know I was leaving.

"Hey Luna!" The guards chorused.

"Hey. Um, I'm just letting you know I'm leaving. "

"Before you go, would you like a job here at the facility? It pays well." The first guard, Jon, said.

"Really?! Of course! Does that mean I can stay as long as I want with my sister?"

Jon nodded. "You won't really have a specific name for your job. It's only going back and forth where we need you."

I nodded. "This is wonderful!" I squealed.

I felt arms snake around my waist.

"Yeah, it is. Because I get to train you."

I knew immediately who it was. The youngest male guard at the prison. Everyone knew he had a major crush on me. Even the prisoners knew. Ryder had dark hair that brush over his eyes, and a single diamond earring in his left ear. His eyes were light brown and you could tell he worked out.


"Yes?" He asked planting a kiss on my neck.

"Get off." I said calmly, but my blazing cheeks revealed I was anything but calm.

He chuckled and moved away. "You so have it for me." He said plopping down in a rolly chair."I'll have you soon. And your sexy lips."

"Ryder stop!" I groaned covering my face.

"Dude, that's enough." Zac said and patted Ryder on the back.

I peeked through my fingers. "Thanks."

"Anything for you, sweet cheeks."

I groaned. "Whatever. I'm leaving. Tell Loretta I'll take the job." I said, leaving the room full of laughing guards.

I backed up and walked back in.

"When do I start?"

"Now, if you want." Ryder winked.

Zac slapped the back of Ryder's head." Tomorrow. You start tomorrow."

"Kay!" I walked away and made my way home.


"I have a job!" I announced while walking through the door.

My mom ran from the kitchen. Flour dusting her face and hands. "Really! Where?"

"Greenglass Correctional Facility!"

"A prison?"

"A prison!"

"Ooh! Is that the one with that nice boy Ryder?"

"Yeah." I could feel heat rising to my cheeks.

"Aw. My little baby has a crush!"

"Mom! I don't like him."

"Mhm. Keep telling yourself that!" She yelled after me as I jogged up the stairs.

When I got to my room. I dived onto my bed and sighed. I guess this was a good day. Except for Zac and Ryder's flirting.

I stood up and went to close my curtains. I looked out my window to see someone completely in black staring up at my window he noticed me and bolted down the street. I frowned and pulled my curtains shut.

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Forbidden Romance: InmateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon