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  She pushes through the school doors with her head down; hoping no one notices the tragedy walking their halls, but she knows they see her, she's not as graceful as she made herself out to be. She can feel their stares, eyes pouring deep onto the small girl's face, again, she knows they see it; the small black and blue bruises carefully lining the corners of her dull green eyes, the way her nose is just slightly crooked. Tears start to pool in her eyes, the events of the night before flashing through her mind, like a bullet through the wall she built to protect herself. She looked up from the grey tile; whom she'd seemed to become good friends with, to see Elliot Chase, her platonic best friend since second grade. She sees a saddened look on his face, as his eyes scan over her delicate exterior, desperately wanting to help, but sadly, could never even try.

  The urge to cry suddenly became too overwhelming, as she made a breakaway to the only place she thought she'd be alone; the girls bathroom. Before she could even reach the door, there, basking in all his mighty glory, was Elliot. He asked her what happened, though he knew exactly what went down, asked if she was okay, which again, knew she definitely wasn't. She couldn't answer though, not that she didn't want to, but over the fact that she had lost her voice due to the heart-wrenching sobs she let out only 6 hours before. Elliot didn't take her silence as a bad thing; she never spoke much to begin with, but instead of questioning her, took her hand and dragged her along side him through the hall, ignoring the wolf-whistles that came along with it.

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