Close Encounter

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"Andrea!" I heard again.

My scattered thoughts rang as they left my head. All I could focus on was that all too feminine voice. I turned around to see Mr. Flax, my history teacher, running up from behind me.
Even though i saw the discipline in his eyes, I could tell he wasn't too upset with me. Mr. Flax was always my favorite teacher, he was so kind and gentle towards me. Mr. Flax is what you can call 'The Odd Man out.' With his shoulder-length blond hair and round glasses, he definitely stood out.

Everyone had just assumed he was the music teacher with his hippie styled clothing and long hair suiting him so naturally. Although he can be a hot head in the classroom, you can tell he has a good heart. He mostly stayed away from other teachers and students and tended to focus on me. Not in a creepy way though, but in a 'mother bird watching over her baby bird' kind of way. I think he saw how the other kids treated me and felt like he had to protect me, which further proves the 'good heart' thing.w

"Crap." I thought to myself. I've never been in any sort of serious trouble for missing class. Even though Mr. Flax would probably cut me a break, I still didn't understand how he saw I was missing.

I thought they never noticed me.

I came to an abrupt stop and waved politely, hoping to pull off the innocent 'I was just heading off to class!' trick. That seemed to work with most of the faculty, simply seeing a girl walking does not always mean she's skipping class.

"Andrea! What are you doing out here? You're supposed to be in homero-" Mr. Flax was interrupted by a bullet whizzing past and hitting a group of old trash cans behind me. The gun shot was so silent and unexpected, another bullet whizzed by again hitting my hair and sending my blond locks backwards flying.

"Go!" He waved me towards the library.

Absolutely no movement. I couldn't believed what had just happened. What was I seeing? A school shooting? Why was no other classroom teachers or students alarmed? Nobody came out to check out why there was a teacher screaming in the middle of the courtyard. Call it crazy, but I was paralyzed in confusion as well as fear.

"GO!" He waved towards the library one last time.

Seemingly out of no-where, my legs began to move, as if by themselves. All I could see was the library now. My survival instincts kicked in as I realized what was happening.

Nothing else mattered.

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