Chapter Eight (Tylers Side)

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He watched her brush through her silky brown hair. Mesmerized. She had wide eyes, the colour of brown. Although simple. There was so much anguish and hurt... But why? Sabrina was a slim girl, curves in the right places, quite short, not much taller than 5 foot 7, she was perfect. 

Tyler held his breath so that she didn't realise that he was behind her, he came closer as she flicked her hair behind her, he went to touch it as she moved forward.

His body was cold. Rock. He had never once, as a demon felt any warmth, not for anyone. When he is hungry, he fed off of innocent souls, they tasted the best. And when he portrayed a human, he had to endure the bitter taste of the food which humans ate.

Tyler wanted to love. He wanted to feel someones warm body next to his.

But he was a coward.

Sabrina moved swiftly to the bath tub, turning on the hot tap, she took off her shorts, her dressing gown still on.

-Should he go?-

He couldn't stop himself. He stood frozen, as she let the dressing gown pool around her feet.

Then. As if she felt his presence. She turned around.

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