Depression Sucks

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Hey, guys. I know a lot of you having been asking, excuse me, DEMANDING an update. I know it's not fair of me. It's been so long, and I honestly can't offer you anything.

I'm being treated for depression. On top of that I have several other illnesses and if you've been wondering where I have been for the last eight or so months, I've been in and out of the hospital and truth be known, I haven't really been at school either.

A lot of people in my life are worried about me.

I even had some kids taking bets on when I was going to die last year.

It's been rough.

I'm currently at home. I'm trying to stay focused on my family, and I'm trying to stay positive so I can make something of my life because right now, life is royally fucking me over. I'm sorry if you're upset or you're not getting what you want because of this, but I think my main priority should be on finding a way to get through graduation.

Right now all my stories are on hold. You probably won't hear from me in a while. I don't know if anything will, but if something happens to me, I'm giving my account info to a friend who will try to keep you all updating in case I cannot.

If you're looking for more werewolf books to read all you have to do is click the search button. There are plenty of authors out there.

If you want to ask any questions about me, or if you're wondering if I'm ever coming back later on you can message @BrokenAnchor on Wattpad to get any info about me you want. She has a couple stories as well that you might like.

Thanks for all the love,

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 22, 2013 ⏰

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