Genesis 22

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                  { 1872;BC (?)  }


(1) God tested Abraham faith.

(2) examples of obedience.

(3) Abraham builts a Altar and sacrifices a ram.

(4) Abraham names the place

Jehovah jireh.and its still is named today.

(5) Abraham promised blessing.

(6) Conversions of Gentiles foretold because of Abraham faith.

[1] Abraham offering Isaac.

Verse 1

Now it came about after these things, that God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.”

-( Divine methods used by testing believers.

By demanding great sacrifices

Ge 22-1; Ex 20-20;

By leading men in difficult ways. De 8-2;13-3;

By giving opportunities for choice. 1 K 3-5;2 Chr 23-31; Ps 7-9;11-5;17-3;

By proposing hard tasks. Jn 6-5-6;11-6;

By permitting men to suffer when in the pathway of duty.

Ac 16-23;16-34;

By permitting temptation.Ja 1-3;)

Verse  2

He said, “Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I will tell you.”

-( Paternal love.examples.

Laban. Ge 31-28;

Jacob. Ge 37-35;52-38;46-30;

David. 2 Sam 12-16;13-39;

Jairus .mk 5-23;

Father of the prodigal. Lu 15-20;)

-( human offered as sacrifices.

Le 18-21;De 12-31;2 K 3-27;

16-3;2 Chr 28-3; Ps 166-38;

Isa 57-5; Jer 19-5; Eze 16-20;)

-( high places used for worship.

Ge 22-2;31-54; Jud 6-26; 1 Sam 9-12;10-5;1 K 3-4;18-19;)

-( example of faith tested.

By a strange plan of campaign

. Jos 6-3;

By reducing a generals army.

Jud 7-7;

By requiring dependence upon a poor widow. 1 K 17-9;

By demanding the last morsel

Of bread. 1 K 17-13;

By requiring what appeared to be useless work.2 K 3-16;

By requiring extensive preparation with no blessings in sight.2 K 4-3;

Other example of. Mt 9-28; Mk 7-27; He 11-8"17"36; Jam 1-3;

1 Pet 1-7;)

Verse 3

So Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son; and he split wood for the burnt offering, and arose and went to the place of which God had told him.

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