Antisocial {Erisol // Oneshot}

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The scent of lavender was overpowering. The sickening smell hit Sollux's nose before anything. It seemed like it stuck to everything, as if it was built into the furniture. The teen scrunched up his nose his glare moving towards his older brother and father who seemed completely unfazed by it. All around him were people, people, and more goddamn people. Horrifyingly outdated music, probably from the 15th century or something, somehow found an escape route (that shouldn't even be an option, mind you) from a crappy record player that was shoved God knows where. Adults and small, on-the-verge-of-tears children milled around, the former speaking in hushed tones.

This wasn't where he wanted to be.

Sollux had grown up in the peaceful suburb his whole life. They lived on the south side where there were barely any houses, which Sollux decided was for the better. He and his brother, Mituna, were homeschooled by their stay at home father. Somehow they managed to have crazy strong wifi that enabled them all to become absolute geeks with computers. As a result, they rarely left the house. Living like that caused him to grow close and oddly fond of his family. They all even have the same stupid lithp. Excuse me, lisp.

And then there were the Ampora's. They moved into the north side of the neighborhood where all the new renovations were, because they were high class and they didn't want to settle for anything less. Their house dwarfed everything on the street. Their stupid ass pool was twice as big as the Captor's entire backyard. Mituna had reported that he and Latula, his girlfriend, had spotted a sign on the edge of the pool that read 'No Landwellers'. Whatever that means.

At this point Sollux had only met two of these 'Ampora people'. One was hands down the father of the two (where's the other one?) teens living in the house. One of them looked like he walked right out of that 70's movie Grease. Slicked back dark brown hair, tan skin, white tee with the sleeves rolled up to the top of his shoulders, black skinny jeans, and an unlit cigarette hanging between his chapped lips. That was probably his leather jacket slung over the back of that awful purple and black floral couch in the sitting room. That's right, their house was so big they had a room dedicated to sitting.

The house was littered, in a way that made it somehow look nice, with pretty odd stuff. The mantel above the fireplace was nearly bursting with anything and everything related to wizards. A limited edition Harry Potter book was placed upon a golden stand and inside a glass case. Sollux was never able to get into the series, so he found it quite ridiculous. Behind the mantel was a huge fishing net with a stuffed swordfish right in the middle, a spear right through it's side. It's eyes and mouth were open which made it have this never ending look of fear. Or constipation. Elsewhere in the house was a life sized cutout of Danny from Grease. No comment.

Before the teen knew it, due to his huge inner monologue, his family members were no longer at his side. In fact they seemed to be talking to actual people. Oh great, now his father, Siimon, was waving him over. Sollux didn't have to think twice about getting the hell out of there. His legs did the work for him while his mind screamed that f word his friend Karkat loved, over and over.

Suddenly, Sollux was in the backyard. That giant pool had a giant cover over it now. He huffed in annoyance, his eyes quickly darting around the backyard, taking in every detail as fast as he could. Instantly he zeroed in on a shady spot under an oak tree that was shoved way in the corner. Immediately Sollux took off towards it, his mental antisocial alarm blaring. It wasn't long until he found himself plopped on the cool soil away from prying eyes.

"Much better," Sollux muttered, his first smile of the day settling on his features.


Eridan was having an internal meltdown. Naturally, he didn't even try to look entertained or anything of the sort. He was physically, mentally, and emotionally drained from an especially tiring move. The youngest Ampora knew this welcoming party was an attempt his father was making to give everyone the impression that he was a great guy. It's like when you're eating a Twinkie and the last thing you're expecting to get is mixed in there along with the artificial cream filling. What a great guy he is to host this party! His kids are sweethearts!

Antisocial {Erisol // Oneshot}Where stories live. Discover now