
18 3 7

I was tagged.... Now I have to do this thing.... But I don't really want to! Thanks Dream_Catcher1233 I appreciate it! (Note the sarcasm) Oh well it's not the end of the world.

Favorite Song:
I don't really know. There are wayyyyy too many to choose from.

Favorite Sport:
Volleyball. Simple as that.

Favorite Band:
I really like Coldplay. Also, I recently discovered a band called Modern Suspects. They're pretty good too.

Favorite Show:
I don't watch tv shows... Just movies.

Favorite Movie:
Guys I have a confession to make... I'm a hardcore Harry Potter nerd. So probably the 4th movie.

Favorite Color:

Favorite Food:
Burgers, pizza, chocolate, ice cream, the list is just way too long.

Favorite Drink:
Dr. Pepper is bae.

Favorite Game:
Anything that has to do with killing or shooting people. Blood and gore are my friends.

I'm done! Thank the Lord! Alleluia! Amen! Now I'm not gonna tag anyone cuz I don't really want this thing continuing. I don't care if that's against the rules. Deal with it.

Peace out!

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