Thirty Five

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"Surprise!" I heard people yell before the lights flashed on.

"Oh, my God!" I said in surprise, then felt a tug on my hand. I looked down and saw Desiree smiling up at me, her face filled with delight. "Dee!" she screeched, reaching up for me.

"Hey, Dezzy," I greeted her as I lifted her into my arms. "Can someone please explain to me what's going on?"

"Zack somehow managed to plan a surprise party for you," Brian said, then gets pinched by Charlotte.

My eyes widen as I turn to him. "Did you really do all of this for me?"

"Well, yeah," he says sheepishly, running a hand through his black hair. I smiled the largest smile I could muster.

"I helped Mommy pick the flowers," Desiree pointed to the bouquet, looking proud of herself.

A chuckle echoed around the room. "They're beautiful, just like you. Thanks, Desiree," I smiled at her, then kissed her forehead. "Where is Mommy, by the way?"

"Over here," my mother calls from the staircase. "I was putting your gifts in your bedroom so there'd be more room down here."

I passed Desiree to my older brother and hugged my mother tightly. "I missed you so much," I whispered to her, trying to keep my emotions at bay in front of everyone.

"I know, mi hija, I missed you, too," she said just as quietly. "But, be happy, Andi, this is your night."

I nodded as I pulled away, whipping at my eyes before I went back and greeted everyone. I heard their involvement in tonight; the girls were to distract me while they got the bulk of everything set up; Ryan and Zack picked my mother up and helped her settle into her hotel, plus convinced my Dad to even have this party; the guys were in charge of setting up with Serena's direction. I couldn't thank them all enough for this.

And Zacky? If it weren't inappropriate, I'd of kissed him as soon as I found out, among other things. I couldn't believe he did all of this for me. It meant that 1), he cared, 2), he listened to me, and 3) he cared. This overwhelming warmness filled my body, and I couldn't stop smiling, all because of him.

It was here and now that I realized I was in love with him. I couldn't explain the feeling coursing through me now when I looked at him, but I instinctively just knew it was love.  And inferring from what he put together for me tonight, I didn't have to guess that he probably did, too. That alone was the best gift of all, no matter what.

"Alright, let's get this cake done already," my father announced. "Monica, can you get the candles for me?"

My mother complies easily, arranging the two numbers in the center of the frosted homemade cake, with the help of Desiree. There was no hostility between them whatsoever. It had been a long time coming, in my opinion.

Everyone starts to sing, and I tried to think of a wish to make once I needed to blow out the candles. But, for the first time, I couldn't come up with one. I had everything I wanted.

"Here, Dezzy, you make a wish for me," I said finally, and watched her try with gusto to blow the flames out. They were put out, finally, and we all clapped for her.

"You weren't kidding when you said she looked exactly like you," Zacky said as he watched her soak up the attention from my mother. "Or when you said you looked like your mother. It's almost scary."

I smeared chocolate icing onto his face. "That's for doubting me."

He wipes it off with a grin. "I never doubted you, Andi."

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