The Two faced Truth

Start from the beginning

'CONFESS IT!' Truth's voice boomed again. He did a little wave motion with his hand and a trickle of red liquid ran down Cassie's nose 'STOP IT! UGH!' 

That was it. I wanted to bash that idiot's face, till his nightmare of living in a real world came true.

Jace thankfully created a distraction. 'Why are you two-faced? Sorry that came out wrong. Why is your face changing and who are you?'

I expected Truth to blast Jace into bits of matter or do something like that, that would totally be cool. Nonetheless, I wouldn't like him anymore. Contrary to my assumptions, Truth just chuckled 'I am the Truth. I represent Truth in the world, I am the embodiment of Truth, not metaphorically but actually. I look as the world perceives me. To some I am the harsh, bitter reality, to some I am divine enlightenment.'

How could truth be personified, and if truth is embodied it meant even other qualities would be personified? Is it true? Or is this some sick joke? Nah, this guy was just some delusional idiot who thought he was some big shot in the universe. This man was a psycho, if Cassie wasn't keen on sharing something well then so be it, it is her call. Knowing Cassie, she was a closed book and I was grateful to her for letting me in, trusting me. She would tell me if required, I didn't need some asshole to force her to open up. Looking at her so scared, so vulnerable shook my insides.

'Is this some sick joke? Some prank? Because you hear me and hear me clear, this isn't funny.' I threatened.

'There's a reason why I am called truth. I tear away all those pretty illusions, I may be harsh but I am reality.' The irony when he said that, he is reality...This man was crazy and in living his fairyland imaginations, which I am sure did not have unicorns and rainbows.

 Truth interrupted me, 'I would answer more questions but duty calls.'

He turned to Cassie. 'You leave me no other option, child.'

Cassie whimpered, 'N-no I-I will tell the truth, I am sorry Rebecca. I lied, my mother is not ill.' I did't care if what Cassie said was truth or not even though it was making my head spin. Words were heard but not processed, tears threatening to spill. It was too much, it was all hitting me slowly, I was stuck in a room with a delusional psychopath who was making excuses to kill Cassie. He wasn't gonna let the matter drop.

Truth growled 'Its partial truth and is as good as a lie.'

'N-no she is going to hate me' Cassie sobbed.

'That you should have thought before lying. You created illusions, one lie led to another lie. I have tried so hard to spread the importance of truth through social media. But no one listens, anyways tell the whole truth or lose your life.'

Jace was silent this whole while, I could feel his suspicion bubbling and he gave me a "I told you so" look but at the same time I could see the slight fear and nervousness he was radiating. Truth tried for a long time to persuade Cassie which annoyed me to no ends.

 'Leave her alone! If she doesn't wish to tell the truth so be it. She is her own person and should have some privacy.' I also wanted to add "Get out you mutt!" but was pretty sure he wouldn't be very receptive to it.

'Lets see what you say when you come to know the truth.'

'ENOUGH! I don't care if she has lied or not. You cannot dictate her. Sometimes lies are better than the truth.' I argued.

'Your friend will lose her life if she doesn't spill.' Truth threatened which further angered me. The frustration of wanting to do some damage but unable to do so made me see red, a wave of feverishly cold feeling flowing through me.

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