"His" Butler, Willing

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The veranda's door opened for the butler to enter. As Sebastian was cleaning the table, I said:

"Finally, some peace..."

"You always seem rather annoyed by her presence, my lord."

"How could I not be?!She is annoying, with every meaning of the word!"

"Young master, you ought to hold yourself back, especially in front of the lady. You were a little...brusque and curt to her, as in every time you meet."

"Sebastian, how can you really be willing to pretend that you don't hate her? I mean, in your place I would. I couldn't forgive her for being a spoiled brat, that does everything she wants without asking, and her actions have consequences only on the butler, just like the time she decorated the whole manor in a girly way, and not only that but made the stuff wear ridiculous clothes!"

"Well, now that you mentioned all of this, I can feel a spark of anger flickering inside me, yet I can't externalize it. It would be inappropriate and rude. You know as much as I do how things have when you are an aristocrat." He said and put on his tray the last dish, starting his way for the kitchen.

'How great tolerance Sebastian has...'

I blinked twice to get out of my thoughts and followed Sebastian inside. When I reached the kitchen I heard Bard and Sebastian speaking about tonight's dinner:

"Why won't you let me cook this time?! I'm telling ya, I'll do good!"

"Bard, we both know the outcome of your tries to cook anything. And we can't aford to have the kitchen destroyed right now. It is *looks at his pocket watch* eight o'clock all the stores are ready to call it a day. I don't have the time to buy new building materials, build again the room and cook for our young lord on time!", the butler explained as he collected and placed all the ingredients and the utensils he needed.

"Uh...Ok, ok, I surrender!" Bard exclaimed while raising his shoulders as he turned around with his eyes closed, only to see me the moment he opened them.

The chef let out some noises of shudder that made Sebastian to turn around and see me too.

"Oh, my young lord! What are you doing here? How rare of you to visit this room."

"Ah, I just wanted to ask...what do we have for dinner?"

"We have pork in white whine sauce with rice, as a main course." the butler informed me.

"Great. And as for desert?" I asked.

"Desert?!"Sebastian queried with an expression of indignition. "But Young Master, that will totally ruin your diet. Eating victuals high in calories at night will have as a result to just add those calories as fat to your organism, because you won't be able to use this energy immediately." He tried to convince me, as I had leaned against the wall with my back, crossed my hands over my chest and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah...Are you done talking already? Because this bubbling of yours is getting me tired."

Sebastian sighed in defeat. "I guess a sweet once in a while wouldn't hurt...But only if this is not repeated frequently!" he emphasized while moving his finger in a peremptory way.

"Yes, as you say... Now, what sweet will you do for me?"

"What do you desire, my lord?"

"Hmm..."I put my hand under my chin. "What about...a black forest cake?"

Unexpectedly, Bard took the word:

"But...young master...Don't you think that what you ask is a little too..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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