fighting dem bad guys

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"Go and destract lady wifi while I try and get her phone", ladybug told chat noir. "Alright , let's do this". Chat stated in s firm voice as he jumped in the air and on to the same table that lady wifi was on in the hotel. "You and that ladybug can't stop me now, give me your miraculous chat! ", lady wifi said . "Never will I do that !", chat said as he took his staff out. " Ladybug hurry!!" , chat said as he tried to avoid all of the things that lady wifi was throwing out of her phone. Chat had an idea and went up to the roof of the hotel and used his catapilisum to destroy the wifi that was being given to lady wifi. Then ladybug came took her phone, and crushed it so the akuma cam come out and she deevilised it .



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