{daddy's baby boy}

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kikyun had a daddy kink but he never wanted to admit it. it was embarrassing for him because he knew everyone would think he was weird. so, when monsta x went on the qmentary, he was embarrassed when wonho said kikyun liked being babied. it was true, he did. he liked being babied and treated like one. but there was person who he wanted to be babied by, and it was the one who revealed it in the first place. he liked wonho and be has ever since no mercy. kikyun sometimes had a hard time hiding it considering they were roommates but he found a way in the end even if that meant hurting his own feelings.


"hey kikyun can i borrow your phone?" wonho asked in the car. kikyun agreed and handed him his phone willingly. "sure. why?" he asked.

"i forgot mine and i wanted to upload a selfie to twitter." he replied as he took a few selfies. kikyun nodded, watching the older as be posed differently taking photos.

wonho looked through the photos he took when scrolled onto one he didnt expect to see. a textpost with the words "daddy's rules" written at the too followed by a list of "rules". wonho's eyes widen slightly as he scrolled back through the pictures and picked one quickly, deleting the rest and giving kikyun's phone back. wonho always teased kikyun about being babied but he had no idea about this. he sat silently the rest of the way home, receiving questioning looks from kikyun occasionally.


once they got home, wonho went to bed immediately because he was extremely tired from the day's schedule. he went through the top draw of his and kikyun's shared dresser when he felt something hard wrapped up in kikyun's shirt. not thinking, he pulled it out and what it was shocked him. he pulled out a purple pacifier with the word "baby" on it. kikyun walked in the room and said "hey wonho have seen my red shirt?"

wonho turned around, pacifier in hand and looked at the younger. kikyun eyes widened and he looked at the older in fear. "kikyun, what is this?" he asked and kikyun's hands were shaking in fear. he turned around quickly and ran to the bathroom. he locked the door and sat on the floor, taking deep breaths as he searched the bottom cabinet for his other pacifier. once he found it he quickly put it in his mouth, calming down. it helped him calm down. he used when he missed his parents which was quite often.

"kikyun open up, i wont make fun of you." he heard wonho on the other side of the door. "please. i want to talk to you." kikyun waited a bit before opening the door. wonho saw that kikyun had a different pacifier in and smiled a little. it was pink with "princess" printed in yellow letters.

"lets go back to our room, okay?" wonho said kikyun followed close behind. once they reached their room, wonho sat the younger on his bed, then sitting next to him. "you think im a freak now, right?" kikyun asked, head hanging low. wonho laughed and sighed, grabbing the others hand lightly.

"no, of course not. its cute, actually." he admitted. kikyun looked up at the older with bright eyes. "really?" he questioned and wonho nodded smiling. "c-can i tell you something?" kikyun stuttered. wonho nodded and squeezed his hand a little.

"well, i kind of really like you. like a lot actually." he admitted and wonho smiled. "i like you too, dont worry." he said and kikyun smiled brightly. "matter of fact, will you be my boyfriend?" he continued and kikyun nodded smiling wider if possible. wonho leaned over and kissed the top of his head. "lets go to sleep now okay?"

wonho turned off the light and laid down next to kikyun. "c-can i call you daddy?" he asked shyly and wonho pulled him closer. "of course baby."


"yes baby?"

"can you get my paci please?"

"of course baby"


the next morning they woke up and went to breakfast like normal and carried on about their day, exchanging a few kisses secretly.

at the end of the day kikyun called his parents and talked to them a while. it had been a month or two since be last called them and he missed them terribly. once he hung up he sat there and let a few tears escape his eyes. he got his phone again and texted wonho who was in the living room with shownu and jooheon.

can you come here daddy?

he sent and got a reply almost immediately.

daddy will be right there baby, just wait a second.

soon enough wonho walked in to see his baby boy crying with his pacifier in his mouth.

"oh baby whats wrong?" wonho questioned, pulling the smaller into his lap.

"i miss my parents, i really miss them." he cried and wonho rocked side to side and he stroked the baby's hair. "i know baby, i know. they miss you too okay? youll het to see them soon but for now daddy's here and daddy wont leave his baby boy, okay?" kikyun nodded put his head in the olders chest. "okay daddy. kikyunnie loves you daddy." he said and wonho smiled. "and daddy loves his kikyunnie too"

kikyun leaned up and kissed wonho, deep and passionate, letting their tongues explore each others mouths. wonho flipped their positions and hovered over the younger, kissing his neck.

"daddy, kikyunnie isnt ready for this. daddy cuddle with me instead?" kikyun asked looked at his lover. wonho nodded and lai down behind him, wrapping his arms around the youngers waist, pulling him closer.

"of course baby, daddy wont do anything his kikyunnie doesnt want him to do okay? just tell daddy when you're ready and ill do whatever you want okay?"

kikyun nodded turned to face wonho. "daddy loves his baby boy." he whispered and kissed the younger's head. kikyun smiled looked up at him.

"i love you too daddy."

"now who's baby boy are you?"

"im daddys baby boy."


a/n: okay yall im sorry for how shitty this was but fr i cant write smut so i wasnt going to but i thought daddy kink fluff would be cute and i kinda thought this was cute so i wrote it but don't blame me if it sucks okay.

comment if you want a pt2

{from Asianfanfics @jongdateme}

daddy's baby boy   {kiho}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon