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I was not cut out for this.

I was sweating and my lungs hurt and my throat felt as if it were about as wide as a straw. My feet were killing me but I knew I had to keep running. I just had to. Shaking my head I take in my surroundings, hoping to find somewhere to hide. That's when I spotted my perfect place. Grinning I quickly changed directions and headed straight for a man with red hair and another with a brown buzzcut and slight quiff.

I reach the two and hide behind the one with the brown hair, panting, completely out of breath. God I should exercise more! The two of the guys looked at me and I just held up a finger, signaling for them to wait so I could catch my breath. 

"Okay, listen I need to hide inside of your bus thingy okay? Don't ask questions, it's urgent." I tell them, standing up straight and looking at the two.

"What makes you think we should let you onto our "bus thingy"?" The brown haired one asks, mocking me. Frowning I shake my head and tug on his sleeve much like a child that was begging her mom to get her candy would.

"Please, you don't understand. Someone is after me and I cant get caught. Not again!" I desperately plead, at this point about to whip out my fake crying to get them hopefully give in, but luckily it didn't come to that point. "Ty, maybe we should let her, she seems serious." 

Red haired dude to the rescue!

"Yes I am very serious now please make up your mind quick because if you're going to say no then I need to start running." I state matter-of-factly, crossing my arms and peeking over their shoulders to see if I could spot any one. 

"Alright fine get in." Brown hair guy who I am now going to refer to as 'Ty' because that's what red haired dude called him. 

"Thank you so much!" I breathe, turning and bolting onto the bus. I stop and take it in. It was a very nice bus. The interior was much nicer than any old RV, it's like the one famous people have. Leather couches and a up to date kitchen, flat screen with a Wii, all the goods. I sit down on the couch, still looking around when Ty snapped me out of my trance. 

"Okay who are you and who are you running from." He demanded, sitting down across from me. Red hair sitting right next to him. I bite my lip and fiddled with the hem of the shirt I stole from them. I faced both of their questioning stares and sighed.

"Um well, you's just...I can't tell you who I'm running from. Let's just call them...The Failures. But I can tell you who I am. The name's Rubi Royals. I'm nineteen and want to-" I cut myself off, mentally slapping myself for what I was about to say. Shaking my head I plaster on a smile on my face and continue where I left off. "and I want to eat all the Taco Bell in the world." I say. I mean, it wasn't a lie, I love me some Taco Bell, but it definitely wasn't was I was going to let slip. My statement caused both guys to laugh, one of them whispering something to the other. 

"Well Rubi, I'm Tyler and this is my best friend Josh." Tyler introduces. I smile at them both. Their names sounded familiar...wait a second, now that I think about it they both look familiar too. 

"Hey...I know you guys from somewhere..." I trail off, narrowing my eyes and I study them. "OH MY GOD YOU'RE TWENTY ONE PILOTS!" I gasp/yell, falling off the couch. I grumble and rub my sore butt, looking up at the two. They were in hysterics. I felt the bus shake and then glancing out the window I realized we were moving. I don't think the guys realized this because they were still laughing at me.

I mean I wanted to hide but I didn't plan on leaving! I've got nothing! No phone, no other clothes, no NOTHING! I stand up and frown. 

"I'm sorry to break up your fit of giggles but your bus and leaving and I am still on your bus and I don't know if you want me on this bus right now." I say, placing my hands on my hips and looking at the two. 

"Well, I mean, you're already here so why not stay. We aren't going far, just to our hotel. Once we get there you can go." Josh says and I sigh sitting down.

"I can't just go! I have nowhere to go! I can't go to my family, they'd just hand my right back over to Do-" I cut myself off again. "I mean, they will just give me back to the people I was running from!" I hug my knees to my chest and look at Tyler and Josh. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't burden you with this. It's not your business. You were kind enough to let me onto your tour bus. Once we get to your hotel I'll get out of your way." I sigh, nibbling on my lip. 

"No we won't just leave you. It would help us a lot to help you if you just told us who your running from." Tyler presses and I violently shake my head. Maybe I could make friends out of these two famous guys. Well actually probably they won't want to be my friend. I mean I'm Nobody likes me. I have no friends. Why would Tyler and Josh of twenty one pilots want to be my friend? 

"I-I can't. I'm sorry. But maybe over time...if ya choose to stick around me." I laugh but it's short lived.

Tyler let out frustrated sigh and Josh stayed silent. 

"So don't have anywhere to stay, you can't go to your family and your running from someone you won't tell us about but it's serious..." Josh finally speaks and I nod. "Tyler can I talk to you for a minute?" Josh says standing up and grabbing Tyler. He pulls Tyler into the back room and shuts the door. I'm left there alone with my thoughts and that's something I hate and why I'm never going back to that place. It does more harm than good.


Hello lovelies!

so this is the first chapter to my new fanfiction!

sorry if it's not that good, I haven't written in a very long time so I'm more than a little rusty. Anyways hope you all enjoy!

Rubi [a twenty one pilots fanfiction]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora