After our few moments alone we went back down with the rest of them. They were just watching tv. "There you guys are" Jaime said. "Where were you?" Tony asked. "What happened?" Mike asked. They all asked at once. "Well Kellin was upset so we went to my room to talk about it, that's all" I said to respond to all, they went back to what they were watching and Kellin and I joined them. And it was pretty much a good night for all of us.


I wake up to my mom yelling at me. "What?!" I said confused. I just woke up and she's in my room yelling at me about something. "VIC!.... Get your lazy ass up and help out!" She yelled to me. "Help with what?" I asked still confused. "Just get your ass up and get down stairs- I have school" I interrupted her. "Then get the fuck out of here and take Mike with you" she said back to me. I rolled my eyes and I got dressed and went to find Mike. I didn't even bother to eat I saw Mike already sitting in my car waiting. I got into the car, and I was still really annoyed at mom. Mom was still yelling at me as I was leaving the house and Mike noticed too. "What was her problem?" He asked. "I don't know..." I sighed. "....but we're not aloud back home tonight so we have to find somewhere else to go" I told him. Mike rolled his eyes. It not the first time they kicked us out like this but it's still annoying. Normally I'll ask Jaime and he lets me stay with him, but I'm going to ask Kellin, it should be fun. I don't know about Mike though, I don't know what he's going to do he hasn't really talked to many of his friends since that party, and what they did to me. He stopped talking to Ronnie altogether, he recently started talking to Oli again. I mean Oli's not a bad guy and he didn't do anything he just watched but I'm still mad. We finally arrived at school. And I wasn't any less annoyed then I was already. That is until a certain someone came over and whispers to me. I quickly looked at him and the beautiful Kellin Quinn was standing there. I was about to kiss him but since we were at school I couldn't, well I could if I was ready to come out to the school, but I'm not Kellin says he's ok with it. But I will soon cause things like this I can't wait to do. But his smile deflated when I turned around. "What's wrong Vic?" He asked. "Nothing, my mom was just yelling at me this morning is all" I told him honestly. "Oh" he responded. "Which reminds me, I need to asks you something" and his smile reappeared, only slightly though. "What" he said getting excited. "Well, my parents kicked us out of the house for tonight and I need somewhere to go and since your my "friend", I could crash at your house for today" I asked while winking when I said friend. He quickly agreed I took him to the bathroom, I made sure that it was all clear then I kissed him and he quickly responded and kissed me back. But unfortunately the bell rang and we had to go out separate ways until lunch. I go my first period and he goes to his.

~ time skip ~

So at the end of the day I sit in my car and wait for Kellin to show up. I texted Mike to see who he's staying with and he texted me that he's going with Oli. I wasn't to trilled but at least he found someone to crash with. So I saw Mike and told him bye and that he better be here tomorrow. And I also told him that I was going to Kellin's. He texted me back and I wanted to hit him.

Me: I'm staying at Kellin's tonight

Mike: you'd better use protection then ;)

I turned my phone off cause I was annoyed at him for saying that. But just then Kellin showed up at my car, I let him in, and we drove off to his house. Once we were out of sight of the school I reached over and took his hand and laced our fingers together. When were alone together or just with our friends we are practically all over each other, and we're always touching/ holding each other. We haven't gotten to far with each other but I think I'm willing to if he's ready, I don't want to push him. I only would because I love him enough, and I'd do anything for him.

We finally arrive at his house and we went inside, since his mom is never home he texted her that I was staying over. We went up to this room and we sat there for a while. I was leaning again be his hardboard and Kellin was laying between my legs leaning on my chest while we watched a movie. I was playing with his hair. I love his hair, it's so soft and fluffy. I just love him, so much. "So Kellin what are we going to do all night?" I asked him. "Oh yeah, I'm sure we'll think of something" he said smiling at me. Then he kissed me, with passion and lust. I obviously kissed back, deepening the kiss and he licked my lip asking for entrance. I approved and soon after our tongues wrestled together. I don't know about him but this was turning me on so much and it was getting really hot in here. Kellin surprisingly detached and started to kiss my neck. And biting a little, the bitch is teasing me. "Kellin" I whine to him. "What?" He says giving me a seductive smirk. "What's going on? Are we ready to do this?" I asked. "Well we don't have to go that far, but we could have a bit of fun, we're alone until 10pm and we've been dating for months now so, I think we can take it a step further" he said to me. And I had no problem with that. "That's fine with me" I said smiling at him. So with that we resumed kissing.

The kiss heated up quickly and soon our tongues were wrestling again. And Kellin slipped his hands under my shirt, and tugged at it. So I assumed he wanted it off. I was nervous, cause I still had that "problem" but he knows so what the hell. I quickly leaned forward and took it off and he took his shirt off as well. I just scanned his body. Damn he's hot and had a good body. He was staring at me too, not with concern but with love, that's all I could ask for. "I love you Victor" he said then leaned forward and kissed me again. I pulled back and responded to him. "And I love you too, Kellin" we smiled at each other. We were a sweaty mess, it was amazing. Kellin sort of noticed I was enjoying this a lot, he laughed at me a bit, but he was having the same problem too. So we were debating weather or not to do something about it. But we gave in and we took off our pants and boxers, he wrapped his hand around my member and he pumped me and flicked his wrist around it and he did that until I released into his hand. I then did the same to him and soon enough he was releasing into my hand. We smiled at each other and we kissed again. Then we decided to wash up since we kind of made a mess, and we still need to sleep. So we get up and head over to the bathroom, we decided to just shower together, because we already saw each other naked so, what's the difference, and we'd then have to wait for each other and we can't do that. The shower was fun, Kellin put the radio on and we sang along to it. Once that was done, Kellin let me borrow a pair of sweatpants to sleep in. He put a pair on and we went to lay in his bed again. We cuddled together and put another movie on. "I love you Kelli" I say looking over at him. "I love you too Viccy" he said looking back at me. I couldn't thank my parents enough for doing this, kicking me out for the night, cause I get to spend it here. This is the perfect night, with my perfect boyfriend Kellin.


So this is the most sexual it will get (for now). Anyway I hope you all enjoy the fluff. This is also the longest chapter so far. Well keep reading and don't forget to rate, comment, and whatever else. Stay awesome ✌️=) (2607 words)

Long Lost Angels- Kellic Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant