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Ponyboy's point of view

It's been three days since I got to to the hospital, I broke 15 bones in my hand and got a bad concussion. Which apparently means no reading, watching movies, drawing or basically anything interesting. The whole gang's been comin' by to check in on me and try to entertain me, which is pretty fun for Two Bit.

I've been trying to stay positive throughout this but I can't. I gave Johnny a blasted letter telling him how I feel, so now he probably hates me since no body's been able to talk to him since the night I got here, he just sits in the lot alone and goes home if anyone comes near him, he'd rather be in a hell for a house than see me.

Sodapop says I shouldn't worry so much, that Johnny'll come around. He says he knows "for sure". Bullshit. I shouldn't say that about him but when you're miserable it's a bit annoying always being told to stop being miserable.

On the fourth day in the hospital, no one had come to see me yet and it was already 7pm. I get it I mean, people have lives, but gosh am I ever bored.

I had just come back from a walk around the halls, and decided to just eat my crappy dinner and go to bed. I guessed no one was coming today. I crawl back under the white sheets and there's a desperate knock on the door.

"Yeah? Come in!" I yell, probably a nurse or maybe Soda coming to say sorry about not being there all day. But to my surprise, Johnny Cade comes quickly into my room. He stands in the doorway a minute staring into my eyes, I swear he was about to come and slap me straight across the face for being a faggot. He started walking towards me and I closed my eyes ready for the hit.

But it doesn't come.

I feel a hand graze the side of my head where the bandage is and I open my eyes to see Johnny in tears sitting in front of me.

"I'm so sorry." he whispers and presses his lips on mine.

I feel electricity rushing through my body feeling his soft plump lips against mine. I start kissing back and moving my lips against his. I lace my arms around his neck and he slides his hands down to my waist, pulling me closer. But I pull away.

"I- I thought you hated me." I said sounding scared.

"Oh glory Ponyboy I don't hate you. When I got the letter I thought it was you cussing me out of all the mess I made, so I never opened it. But today I thought I probably deserved to be yelled at, so... I read it. I never expected you, of all people you, to love me." he smiled and brushed some tears away.

"Johnny I love you so much. I know I should've said it before and I'm sorry, I was just scared. I didn't want to lose you." I said,

"Pony you'll never lose me," he laughed, "sorry but you're stuck with this wreck for a while." he gestured to himself jokingly.

"Oh shut up you're hot." I pulled his face back against mine and kissed him again. God I've wanted to do this for months. He kissed back for a minute then pulled away and wrapped me in his arms. I grabbed him around the waist.

"I-I love you." he started shyly pulling away from me a bit. He but his lip before continuing, "Do you wanna be my, you know, boyfriend?" he cocked an eyebrow and grinned nervously up at me.

"Yeah. Yeah I'll be your boyfriend Johnny." I smiled and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

He lay down on the bed beside me, I told him he wasn't a loud but he didn't care. He simply cuddled up beside me and fell asleep.

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