Chapter 3

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1st January 2016

After walking around New York for a couple of hours, I was beginning to feel a little over-dressed. The people of New York don't just simply dress up to go shopping... do they?

As well as feeling over-dressed, I also feel a slight tinge of disappointment. Not one guy had stopped to talk to me.

I had smiled at every thing with a penis as I walked down the street. Yet none of them thought to stop and say hi to me. After awhile I had decided to take matters into my own hands.

I walked up to a tall guy with shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes. He's stopped at the edge of the pavement to look at his phone and put some earphones in.

"Hi! My name's Lily, its nice to meet you," I smiled kindly at him, holding out my hand for him to shake. He looks at my hand for a moment. His eyes then flicker up to my face, then travel back down to my hand, lingering on my breasts slightly.

I analyse his face carefully as his blue eyes stare at my hand in confusion. For one last time he looks back at my face before turning around and crossing the road. Could anybody be any ruder?!

My mouth lays on the concrete pavement for awhile before I decide to gracefully pick it up and pretend that nothings happened.

Do I really look that bad?

I continue down the street, heading towards some big fashion stores. I glance in the windows a couple of times. Before stopping at one store to look at myself properly, so that I appear to just be looking at the clothes on display.

I stare at my reflection. Some of my waves had deflated and my eyeliner didn't look as great as when I had first put it on. But I looked okay right? I checked my rights quickly. No ladders to make me look like a hobo... check!

So what was it? Maybe people just found me repulsive? I had always thought I was atleast average looking? Light brown hair, with the looks of natural highlights of darker and lighter browns. Slightly slanted eyes with a feline look. Forest green iris. Plump pink lips, and a small button nose.

Was I just not attractive enough for people? Was my body not good enough?

I look at my body. My breasts are the average sized C cups, they're also slightly perky. I have a slim waist from many years of gymnastics back in England. Meaning my arse and thighs are slightly thick and curvy. I wasn't fat per sé. I was just... toned.

So what was wrong with me? Was I too forward? Too different? I used to be so popular back in senior school. I had really nice friends and we'd all hang out in big groups and go out together, not all of them liked Jacob, but that didn't stop me from dragging him around everywhere.

Not many guys had ever asked me out though. It was strange really. They just didn't seem to have interest in me. It wasn't like I was ugly or anything, and I sure as hell wasn't boring, I was the reason my friends threw the best parties and get-togethers.

There wasn't really a just explanation, as soon as I got close to a guy romantically, he'd run off with his tail between his legs. It couldn't be my father, he didnt put that much interest in me, the only other person it could be would be ...

"You look thoughtful" A deep voice spoke in my ear, making me jump, coincidentally allowing the said persons chin to bang into my shoulder.

"Jesus Lily! Since when were your shoulders so hard?" I rolled my eyes at the familiar voice. "Really Jacob? You couldn't leave me in peace for at least 10 minutes?" I glare at him accusingly.

His hand flew to his chest in fake hurt. "Since when were you a stone cold bitch?" Jacob asks whilst trying to tremble his bottom lip.

"Oh knock it off, Jay. I'm not the one going around scaring the wits out of innocent women," I roll my eyes again at him. "Sorry to break it to you Lil' but you arent a woman til you give away your flower,"

"That must mean your a still a boy then, or better yet.. a pig," I glare playfully. "Ouch, I actually think that bruised my ego a little Lil'," I shake my head at him. "We both know you dont have one of them Jay," I reply dismissively. And it was true, Jacob was the most down to earth guy you could meet, he had a certain innocence in him that no one could taint, he was also really shy unless you knew him well. There also wasnt a speck of arrogance about him, he was just simply charming.

"A man can try," He sighs.

"Boy," I correct. He shakes his head lightly, giving me a small smile, before turning to put his arm over my shoulder. We begin to walk in step together, heading in the direction i had already been travelling to.

"So what bring you here?" His grey-blue eyes look to mine. Twinkling with mischief.

"Oh, you know, just strolling around New York," I reply vaguely, hoping he doesn't know that I'm looking for someone to pluck my delicate flower, so he wont have to at the end of the year.

Jacob eyes me suspiciously. Well that's not good... So I pull of my best sweet and innocent smile, yet he doesn't buy one bit of it. "Dressed like that, nah Lil' you're up to something,"

I sigh in annoyance. "Fine!" I drawl out. "I'm scouting for guys," Jacobs eyes narrow quickly before shaking it off into a confused look. "Isn't that a band or something?"

I roll my eyes for like the 6th time today. "Ha Ha Ha, don't make fun of my babies," I glare at him. "Lil' you've liked one of their songs, they are not your babies," I glare at him again. "It's a good song!" I try to reason, but it just earns me a chuckle. "Well go away then, you're cramping my style! how can I hunt down a hunky guy, when I've got a guy on my shoulder already?" I push him playfully, yet he still clings on.

"Hmm," He muses, putting his thumb and index finger to his chin. "Maybe I should stick around then," I scrunch my nose at his declaration. "Oh give over you! and get lost" I push him harder this time so he stumbles back to release me.

I hurry away quickly to get away from him. "You'll be mine one day Lily!" I chuckle at his joke. "Whatever Romeo!" I call back as I flip him the bird and walk off in a speed walk, heading for home, after deciding I've had enough for one day.



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