The begining

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Hi my name is Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao
But you can just call me Camila I was born March 3, 1997 to Sinhue Estrabao
And Alejandro Cabello I was born in Cojimar Cuba but moved to Miami Florida as a child I learned English by just listening to the tv as a kid. Growing up I was very shy, I had a couple of popular friends but was the shyer one of them all. I loved to make people laugh, it kind of made me feel like I fit in when ever someone laughed at my jokes.
I also loved one directed and still do I even had a Twitter fan account. Whenever I would have a bad day at school all I had to do was watch one of their interviews they always made me laugh! I started singing when I was in the 7th grade I listened to Spanish musicians and English musicians I would sing in my bathroom and have a panic attack if my mom ever opened the door I never wanted any one to hear me sing! I love my family and was very close to them they are the reason that I came this far!

On my journey to the moonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora