Formalwear and Karaoke

Start from the beginning

"I did," she replied, her face lighting up as if she remembered something exciting.

"What should I wear?"

"You'd better show me your options. Go get dressed, I'm getting a drink," she spun around and went to the minibar and I went back to my room.


I settled back on my bed, glass of wine in hand and opened up my laptop only to find my inbox replete with "Tom and Stephanie alerts". Besides that, all there was were numerous business inquiries that had been handled by the automated "out of office" reply I'd set before we left.

"How's this one?" he called out as he entered my room. He had put on a slim-fit, navy blue suit with a white dress shirt underneath. He was looking quite lean and muscular since he'd just wrapped Civil War. He also happens to have a fantastic tailor.

"It's...nice...a bit boring though, honestly," I lied. I knew it'd get a rise out of him.

He didn't like that one bit. God forbid anyone ever call his style boring. He spun around, nose up in the air in pursuit of something else. I took to my own closet and started hanging up all of my newly acquired items of clothing, admiring each one as I hung them up.

"Still boring?" he called out as he entered again. Upon taking in the sight of him, my heart made a surprising palpitation, stunning me where I stood. He looked so handsome, so polished that it took my breath away. I had to question myself on when exactly I'd become attracted to him and dare I say, I was enjoying it. One hundred percent.

He was wearing black tuxedo pants and a white shirt, a navy vest and a white tuxedo jacket. Hanging unfinished on his neck was an emerald green tie.

"Well?" he looked at me over his glasses, expectantly.

"You--" my words got caught up in my throat and my mouth went dry. I had suddenly lost the ability to properly express what was going through my head.

You look good enough to eat

You are surprisingly sexy to me all of a sudden

Where the hell is all this coming from?

Get your shit together Marge!

"Me?" he queried, a smug grin creeping across his face.

" a man that has exceptional taste in formalwear," I finally managed to croak out. "You also need to learn how to tie your own ties."

"That's what I have you for, Marge."

I crossed the space between the two of us and grabbed both ends of the tie, "Full Windsor or Eldredge?"

"Oooh, Eldredge? You must be feeling adventurous."

"Must be," I said as I wove his necktie into the intricate knot, trying not to look him in the eye.

Don't let him see you sweat, Jennifer, my voice of reason echoed in my ears. I tried to keep my breathing calm and even, when inside, my heart was pounding out of my chest and I thought I might pass out.

I finished the knot and tightened it around his neck, somehow breaking the moment between us. He stepped back just slightly and eyed me curiously.

"Will this match what you have for tomorrow night?"

"Match? Since when do we color coordinate?"

"Since now," he gave me a quick peck on the cheek then spun around and left, rendering me completely speechless, which is no small feat.

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