Chapter 8~Boyfriends

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"What?" John was really confused at this point. "You leave, and tell me I'm a liar, and then you just decide that you love me again? Make up your mind, Sherlock!"

"John, I realized that what I saw in your eyes, that emotion. it was like Molly's." Sherlok paused to catch his breath after running so far to get here. "You weren't bluffing. I thought you just wanted me to look like a fool, but now I know. You really do love me, and-" He paused. "I really do love you, John. I'm sorry."

John smiled. "Don't be sorry, Sherlock. It's all fine. I'm glad you're home."

Then the detective ran up to John and embraced him. They just stand in the flat for a few moments, enjoying the comfort of each other's arms. 


Hey so Writer's block.....

If anyone has Ideas to continue this story, I would love some suggestions....Any Ideas on any other stories that I could do??? Love the feedback, and sorry this chapter was so short. It took me like three months to even get this far.....anyway, that's all.


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