Harry Imagines

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Imagine if: Harry took your hand and lead you down stairs where at least 200 Directioners stood outside the hotel, you and Harry were staying. As you two walked out, it went dead quiet, as you didn't know what was going on, so you stepped a little closer to Harry, your boyfriend. Suddenly Harry shouted "1, 2, 3!". He let go of your hand and stepped a little behind you. "'YN' will you marry Harry?". They all chanted. You turned around to face a smiling Harry, on one knee. Directioners pulled out their phones.
"'YN' we have been together for 2 years now, and I want to take it to the next step, and be with you until the end of time, because no amount of time with you is enough, so let's start with forever. 'YN', will you make me the luckiest man in the world and be Mrs. Styles?". You stood there in shock for a second, before falling beside him and saying things like 'Yes, omfg' and Fml yes!' The crowd cheered and you two couldn't stop smiling.

Imagine if: You were being lazy but you really needed to straighten your hair. "Babe... You know you love me".
"Nooo, I hate you!". He said sarcastically. "Joking babe go on".
"Can you straighten my hair please?".
He got up for the sofa and came over to where you were sitting. "As long as you love me". He teased.
"Truly, madly, deeply!".

Imagine if: Harry beat the shit out of a guy for looking at you all night in the club, and when Harry went to the toilet, asking for your number, and slapping you bum.

Imagine if: You walked into you and Harry's bedroom, finding him lying down naked. His elbows propped him up, he walked over to you and locked the door. Something told you that he wasn't going to let you sleep tonight.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 21, 2013 ⏰

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1D prefrences and Imagines xxNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ