Niall Imagines

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Imagine if: Niall swept you of your feet and carrying you bridal style down the hall. Once you get onto the terrace, he had laid out a table for two. Filled with a fancy violists playing in the background, and a butler, catering to your food needs. You and Ni enjoyed your 3 course meal.

Imagine if: Niall placed you on the bed, and stripped you down to your laced under. You stood up on the bed and took his top off. You unbuckled his jeans (and found out he was extremely hard). You two locked lips, Niall didn't even ask permission, he just went for it. You could feel Niall's bulge growing against your leg. Niall twisled you two around, so you were laying on him. You were staring into each others eyes before he whispered to you, "Hungry?". You saw him smirking. "You know it". You grinned. You went down and pulled his boxers off, you licked the tip, and started deep throating.

Imagine if: Niall and you got engaged under the stars in Paris.

Imagine if: You and Niall's new born was crying. You went to go and get up but Niall pulled back down. "Ive got this babe". You smiled and listened to the baby motor to hear some Rory and daddy bonding time. Niall walked in Rory's room. "fOR CYING OUT LOAD LIL CRAIC, ME AND YOU MUM WERE TRYING TO SLEEP! NOW EAT SOME CHICKEN AND SHUP UP!".

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