Chapter 1

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We walk inside the airport, there are a lot of people; some running, others just hanging around and waiting for their flight. And so am I, I am with my little sister Mia, my parents and my boyfriend Jason. I am going to Los Angeles, to a campus. For the first time in my life.

I'm very bad at goodbyes and shit. I hate that stuff. I know i'm going to cry and I hate that, I just don't know how to deal with it. I said goodbye to everyone last week and I took a lot of polaroids which I'm bringing with me to L.A. Just to keep some memories.

It hurts me so much to leave New York, I have lived here since I can remember, I was always so happy there, but not the last years. I had my squad and I was always cheerleading which I love to do. But now I am older, and I need to think about my future. Me and my family promised each other to Skype as much as we can. And Jason just said he would text me everyday, which I'm not really sure of because he is really busy with everything, he is going to be the most important player of the basketball team, and I know that I wasn't the only girl he was texting with...

I look at my phone and I see that it is 11 a.m and my flight flies at 11.30 a.m so it was time to say goodbye.

"Bye mom" I say to my mom while I was giving her a hug.
Thought of all our moments, but in the end, my mother was always working. She had a big company from her dad inherited. She was always busy with that but we never had to worry about money.

"We have a suprise for you darling" my mom says while she hands me an envelop. "You can choose wich car you want as soon as you arrived in L.A" my mom says.

"Ohmygosh you guys don't have to do this" I say. I am so happy my dream came true - actually I have a lot of dreams but this was definitly one! - I am so happy, I hug my parents and kiss my dad. "I'm going to miss you the most" I whisper in his ear.

He laughs. I was always with my dad; I didn't had a brother or a sister -actually I have but she came later- my daddy and I were always together and he was my best buddy. I hug him one more time and he wipes my tears.

"See you soon princess" my daddy says I nod with many tears in my eyes. Then I come by my little sister

"Hey little sis, don't do weird things without me, eh?" I say.
She shakes her head and says ''I'm going to miss ya Steph.'' And I know that I am really going to miss her to.

I thought I was actually her second mom because if you know our ages it could be, I am nineteen en she is 8. I always get her from school and then sometimes we go to McDonalds and the greatest part is: we have the music way too loud in the car and were just singing way too false.

But you know, at moments like that; it doesn't matter, you just want to enjoy the moment. I actually made a lot of polaroids and I had one with her when we had a carpool karaoke. I always carry that picture with me. It reminds me of enjoying and loving and also of Mia ofcourse. I loved her so much. I hugged her en she climbed on me with her legs around my body. We were crying and the only words I knew to say were "I love you" and "I'm coming back for you" I said that and i gave her a big kiss.

Jason looks at me and I look at him, I don't know what to say.

"I'm going to miss you" he said.

''I come back soon" I say.

"Promise?" He asks.

"Promise" I say.

I hear a voice-over at the airport saying that the passengers for my flight need to get in to the plane. I kiss Jason and grouphug my family. I wave until I can't see them anymore. And then I knew that I was going to explore a lot of new things.

I sit in the airplane and I watch my laptop, I have a silver macbook and all my money was spend on it. I was listening to some random list on spotify while i was looking on pinterest for some new room idea's.

After one hour adding pins to my 'room inspiration' board on Pinterest I become sleepy and I close my macbook and fall asleep.


Hey guys, I hope y'all are enjoying this book so far, this chapter is really short I KNOW. But there are a lot of longer chapters coming so don't worry. Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment!

P.S: Don't judge me that much, this book is getting better + this is my first wattpad book ever :)

xx Alana

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