Chapter 1 (I don't have a prologue)

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Chapter 1

        "WhiteStream! Come fast! PetalNose's kits are coming now!" HeatherFrost yowled out of the nursery entrance. PetalNose was laid on her side, breathing heavily and groaning with pain.
        PetalNose glanced up at the white and gray medicine cat, as she walked in, which is also her sister. "Don't worry PetalNose. You'll be fine. You are very lucky to have kits in green-leaf and you are a very healthy cat so your kits will be healthy too." Her sister reassured her and sat down next to her.
        The soon-to-be mother wished she could believe WhiteStream. About four sunrises before today, PetalNose had a fever and it just went away yesterday but she was still worried.
        Suddenly, WhiteStream sat up and bolted out of the nursery. WhiteStream come back! PetalNose thought worriedly and she was breathing even heavier. "Do you want me to go get SwiftCloud?" HeatherFrost asked politely.
        "N-No...Thanks though. But you can get him after my kits are born so we can name them." She replied.
        HeatherFrost sat back down as WhiteStream raced back into the nursery with bundles of leaves in her nose. She pushed them close to PetalNose's face. The queen wrinkled her nose in disgust. "I'm not eating those!" She exclaimed.
        WhiteStream twitched her whiskers in amusement. "They will make you feel better." WhiteStream told her sister. Then she whispered in her ear. "I promise."


        PetalNose purred with happiness and looked down at the five kits she gave birth to with pride shining in her eyes. "They're beautiful!"
        SwiftCloud sat down and gave PetalNose's ear a couple of licks. "They're perfect, just like you." He purred and sat closer to his mate.
        PetalNose pricked her ears as she heard paw steps just outside the den. Then she saw a gray face of a cat appear at the entrance.
        "PetalNose!" EmberStar meowed, walking into the den. "Your kits are here." He purred and stepped carefully and quietly, trying not to disturb TinyPool and her two kits which were sleeping. He reached the new mother and purred even louder than last time. "I bet they'll all make fine warriors."
        The new mother and father nodded with agreement and EmberStar turned and walked out of the den.


        AmberKit heard her brothers yowl wildly as the littermates tussled over the soft grassy clearing of the CloudClan camp. The small kit loved to play fight but now instead of fighting, she wanted to impress the warriors and not play a little kit game. She decided to head in the direction of a big den until her father cut her off.
        "AmberKit. Where are you going? Go play with your littermates." SwiftCloud meowed and nudged her closer to where ToadKit and MarshKit were fighting.
        "But I don't want to play a game for a kit!" She whined. "I want to go talk to the warriors!" AmberKit puffed out her chest.
        "What did your mother say? You're not allowed to bother the warriors." Her father told her and picked her up by the scruff.
        "Let go of me!" She hissed and kicked her legs around until SwiftCloud dropped her. AmberKit glared at her father and stomped away towards the elders den where she found her sister CinderKit sitting neatly with her tail wrapped around her paws, listening to the old cats tell stories.   "WhiteStream! Come fast! PetalNose's kits are coming now!" HeatherFrost yowled out of the nursery entrance. PetalNose was laid on her side, breathing heavily and groaning with pain.
        PetalNose glanced up at the white and gray medicine cat, as she walked in, which is also her sister. "Don't worry PetalNose. You'll be fine. You are very lucky to have kits in green-leaf and you are a very healthy cat so your kits will be healthy too." Her sister reassured her and sat down next to her.
        The soon-to-be mother wished she could believe WhiteStream. About four sunrises before today, PetalNose had a fever and it just went away yesterday but she was still worried.
        Suddenly, WhiteStream sat up and bolted out of the nursery. WhiteStream come back! PetalNose thought worriedly and she was breathing even heavier. "Do you want me to go get SwiftCloud?" HeatherFrost asked politely.
        "N-No...Thanks though. But you can get him after my kits are born so we can name them." She replied.
        HeatherFrost sat back down as WhiteStream raced back into the nursery with bundles of leaves in her nose. She pushed them close to PetalNose's face. The queen wrinkled her nose in disgust. "I'm not eating those!" She exclaimed.
        WhiteStream twitched her whiskers in amusement. "They will make you feel better." WhiteStream told her sister. Then she whispered in her ear. "I promise."


        PetalNose purred with happiness and looked down at the five kits she gave birth to with pride shining in her eyes. "They're beautiful!"
        SwiftCloud sat down and gave PetalNose's ear a couple of licks. "They're perfect, just like you." He purred and sat closer to his mate.
        PetalNose pricked her ears as she heard paw steps just outside the den. Then she saw a gray face of a cat appear at the entrance.
        "PetalNose!" EmberStar meowed, walking into the den. "Your kits are here." He purred and stepped carefully and quietly, trying not to disturb TinyPool and her two kits which were sleeping. He reached the new mother and purred even louder than last time. "I bet they'll all make fine warriors."
        The new mother and father nodded with agreement and EmberStar turned and walked out of the den.


        AmberKit heard her brothers yowl wildly as the littermates tussled over the soft grassy clearing of the CloudClan camp. The small kit loved to play fight but now instead of fighting, she wanted to impress the warriors and not play a little kit game. She decided to head in the direction of a big den until her father cut her off.
        "AmberKit. Where are you going? Go play with your littermates." SwiftCloud meowed and nudged her closer to where ToadKit and MarshKit were fighting.
        "But I don't want to play a game for a kit!" She whined. "I wanna go talk to the warriors!" AmberKit puffed out her chest.
        "What did your mother say? You're not allowed to bother the warriors." Her father told her and picked her up by the scruff.
        "Let go of me!" She hissed and kicked her legs around until SwiftCloud dropped her. AmberKit glared at her father and stomped away towards the elders den where she found her sister CinderKit sitting neatly with her tail wrapped around her paws, listening to the old cats tell stories.
        "Come join us AmberKit! RainBurr's telling the story about how he and his brother found a dog in his territory so they had to fight it!" CinderKit bounced up and down, and waved her tail excitedly.
        "I-I think I'm okay. I'm going to visit the medicine cat to see if she needs help." AmberKit replied and stalked off to where WhiteStream was drinking from a small stream in the clearing of the camp. But before she got there, LeafPaw, the most annoying apprentice in CloudClan caught up with her and like CinderKit, he bounced around happily.
        "AmberKit! QuickPaw and HoneyPaw are getting their warrior names tonight at sundown! EmberStar told me that he is doing the apprenticeships in pairs so after HoneyPaw and QuickPaw get their names, you and BrambleKit will become apprentices and-" The little apprentice got cut off my EmberStar.
        "I told you not to tell her!" But the great leader wasn't angry, he was purring and twitching his whiskers in amusement. Then AmberKit remembered that LeafPaw and DawnPaw are EmberStar and FrostSky's kits.
        AmberKit purred along with the leader until LeafPaw joined in. "I'm sorry EmberStar. I forgot." LeafPaw explained.
        EmberStar nuzzled his kit and walked away to where FrostSky, the deputy and also the leader's mate, was organizing the sun-high patrols.
        "So, uhh, I guess we can train together." AmberKit tried to feel happy but instead she felt nervous. As she was growing up as a kit, she kind of liked BrambleKit and hoped they could be together as warriors. But she was nervous that since LeafPaw only acted annoying around her, then he might like AmberKit but the she-kit didn't want to make any cat feel bad when she chose who she wanted to be with as a warrior. "I'll see you later LeafPaw." AmberKit walked pass the apprentice and made her way to the stream that WhiteStream was by.
         "Oh hi AmberKit! It's such a nice day isn't it?' WhiteStream purred as she looked up at the small kit and waved her tail.
        "Uhh...Yeah" AmberKit replied nervously. The kit sat down and rested her chin on her paws.
        "So, I hear your brother TwigKit is interested in becoming my apprentice." WhiteStream meowed after a moment. AmberKit sprang up to her paws.
        "What!? B-But I don't want him to." She whined and sat back down, resting her chin on her little paws again.
        "But why not? I'm getting old and each cat has their own destiny to follow. Your destiny is to become-" WhiteStream quickly stopped talking and got a drink from the stream.
        "Hey, is there something you're not telling me about my destiny?" AmberKit questioned her.
        "U-Umm... Well... There kind of is something coming up... like a danger but that's all I can tell you." The she-cat replied and walked to her den.
        A danger? A danger is apart of my destiny? Oh no I'm  doomed!

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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