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Today was not going the way you expected it to.

"Don't forget to put him to sleep by 9 o'clock"

"Yes ma'am"

Your mom hangs up the phone first and you look down at your four year old brother. He's staring back at you with big brown eyes and half of an oreo cookie in his mouth. Babysitting him tonight was not part of the plan. You were supposed to be getting ready for dinner and a movie with your boyfriend, Sandeul, but the babysitting bomb was dropped on you last minute when your parents decided to go to a work dinner they had initially said they weren't going to. You let out a sigh and settle down on the couch next to the toddler. After all, it's not his fault your plans were ruined.

"Jagiya! Are you dressed already?"

You can feel Sandeul's excitement through the phone, which almost makes you want to lie, but in the end you explain the real situation.

"I'm sorry.... maybe tomorrow?"

"Ahh... my schedule is kind of full for tomorrow. How about Saturday?"

"I can't, I work all day Saturday"

There's a long pause during which you both realize you probably won't be seeing each other for a while. You almost feel like crying. It has been far too long since you have been able to spend some time with him and were really looking forward to seeing him tonight.

"Well then we'll just have to do it today!" He says suddenly. Clearly already forgetting you have a four year old under custody.


"Don't worry, just stay right where you are!" And with that he hangs up, no warning and no goodbye. You stare at your phone for a minute trying to decipher what just happened. What is he up to now?

Almost an hour passed and you're still wondering what in the world Sandeul was trying to say when the knock at the door grabs your attention. You hesitate a moment before opening it.

"Annyeong!" You can barely see his face behind a stack of boxes that smell like take out. You step aside to let him in and he places everything down before wrapping you up in a hug. "If we can't go to dinner and a movie then we can bring dinner and a movie to us" he smiles.

Behind you there's a small laugh of delight and you turn to see your brother pushing himself off the couch and running towards Sandeul. The toddler loves him almost as much as you do. Almost.

"Hi there, did you miss me?"

The small child nods excitedly.
"y/n missed you a lot too!" He adds in unnecessarily. You can feel your cheeks slowly switching colors when he looks up at you.

"Well I missed you both!" He leans towards your brother as if trying to keep you from hearing but purposely says it loud enough that you still can. "But I missed you a little more". You roll your eyes and they both laugh. You'd think he's dating your brother instead of you. "well who's hungry?"

You and your brother yell out "me!" Simultaneously and immediately begin opening the boxes of food. There's a wide variety of food, but Sandeul knows just what you like.

"Thank you" you says quietly before placing a quick kiss on his lips. You can see your brothers face twist os disgust.


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