One normal day

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One day my mom picked me and my twin sis up from school. Everything was fine. I was board and went on YouTube. I was watching Minecraft vids. I found this awesome youtuber named Aphmau. I started watching her vids. Then my mom started crying. We asked what's wrong? She said she thought my step dad (who has been my only dad since I have never met my real dad and we have been with him for 6 years, over half of my life) was cheating on her. We got upset to. Then our mom started talking to him. He said "no I am not!" And they started fighting because are mom had proof. It was late. So I started watching YouTube. Aphmau to be precised. And it helped block out the fighting. We didn't go to school the next day cause we were up half the night. Then a few days later they had fights almost every night. I kept watching Aphmau. It helped me feel better. Then one day the right got really bad we still went to school. Our mom was checking his emails. Then we went to school. Our mom picked us up. Her eyes had tears in them. We asked what was wrong. She didn't answer. Then we asked if we could go to our friends house. She said no something happened...

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