"Well first of all, I want to change the name you call me and Iwa-chan by." Oikawa says, not glancing up from his phone.

"Excuse me?"

"You're always calling us 'Oikawa-kun' and 'Iwaizumi-kun', but we're best friends from childhood! I mean, we call you by your first name, why don't you call us by our first name too? Right, Iwa-chan?"

"Sure." Iwaizumi shrugs. "Whatever she's comfortable with is fine with me."

"But you call Iwaizumi-kun 'Iwa-chan' all the time, doesn't the same apply?" 

"That's different." Oikawa crosses his arms. "Just try it."

"...Fine." You clear your throat and try it out. "Tooru, what do you plan on doing once we get there?"

Oikawa stares at you open-mouthed but saying nothing, a blush beginning to grow on his face.

"Oh god, did I make it weird? I'll go back to the old one-"

"N-No, I like it." Oikawa finally manages to say, cutting you off. 

"Is this really okay, Hajime?" You ask Iwaizumi in turn.

He smiles at you. "Yeah, it's fine don't worry."

"Ahh, it'll take a bit to get used to..."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

"Onsen, here I come!"

"Hold on, (Y/N). We need to unpack our stuff real quick." Iwaizumi laughs at your enthusiasm, bringing his bags into the room you were sharing with him and Oikawa. It wouldn't be the first time that the three of you have slept together, so it wasn't awkward. Growing up together has provided many opportunities such as that.

"Yeah wait up so I can join you, (Y/N)-chan~!" Oikawa winks, and gets a pillow thrown at him by Iwaizumi.

"Assikawa, you stop that."

"U-Uh, I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure it's separated in this one..."

"It's okay, I was just kidding with you anyways."

Soon enough, all the bags are unpacked and everyone is ready to enjoy the onsen. Just like you had predicted, they're separated. You sigh in relief as you step in and go to prepare yourself for the bath. Taking off your towel, you walk over and dip yourself into the warm water, letting the soothing feeling flood your senses as you close your eyes. Ahh, this really is nice... Hm? You perk up at the sound of voices from the wall behind you.

"So, how do you feel now that she's done with him?"

Huh, it's Hajime. I really shouldn't be listening in like this on his and Tooru's conversation but... I'm curious now.

"Oh man, I'm so glad! That guy was so stupid. I hated him."

"You two didn't even interact all that much."

Who are they talking about?

"So? He was still annoying as hell."

"Just because he got what you wanted before you were able to?"

"...Shut up, Iwa-chan."

"Called it."

There's silence on the other side. Is it that girl again? What was her name again... Tachibana, was it? Probably. He seemed to invest some interest in her. You sink deeper into the water, sighing. Oh well. It's none of my business.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dinner was delicious.

Not once that night did you regret stuffing your face with so much food. You wouldn't be making the best of the trip without doing so, after all.

Now in a food coma, you lay on the futon laid out on the floor looking for fanfictions to read on your phone. Oikawa flops onto the floor next to you, trying to get a peek at your phone as you lock the screen before he's able to see. 

"Rude, (Y/N)-chan. What are you hiding?"


"Oh, I asked her to look up good places to dispose of dead bodies after I kill you tonight, Shittykawa. Oops, I exposed our plan. Sorry, (Y/N)."

"Dang it, Hajime!" You laugh as Oikawa looks between the two of you, a horrified expression on his face.

"What is wrong with the two of you?" He crawls away from you and onto his futon a few feet away. "Whatever, I'm tired. Iwa-chan, please turn off the light since you're still up," He yawns, getting under the blanket and turning so his back was facing you. "Good night, guys."

"Yeah, yeah. We should all get some sleep. That means you, (Y/N)." As requested, Iwaizumi turns off the light before he goes to his own futon.

"I'll sleep when I finish this fanfic. G'night Tooru, Hajime."


Four fanfictions later, the time is 1 am. Oh crap, I meant to sleep after the first one. You decide to finish the story you were currently reading before finally sleeping. Suddenly, you feel something wrap around your waist. What the-? You tilt your screen towards your lower half to illuminate the thing that was now hugging you. It's Oikawa. You feel a blush spread across your cheeks. What is he doing?

You try to push him off of you, but to avail. Ugh, was he always this heavy and stubborn?


Stopping, you look down at him and focus on whatever he's mumbling. He said my name, is he dreaming about me...?

"(Y/N)-chan, don't go... Don't leave me..."

You frown at his slurred words. You run your fingers through his brown, fluffy hair, stroking his head lightly. "I'm right here, I won't leave you." You reassure him, though you're pretty sure he's too deep into sleep to hear you. Your eyes start to droop as you continue and you lock your phone, putting it down. "Good night, Tooru."

Without realizing it, you fall asleep, Oikawa still hugging you around your waist. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - oh man this chapter is long overdue, sorry bout that.

has anyone been to an onsen before? i really want to try it some time, haha. it seems so relaxing zzz

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