Ayano's Theory Of Happiness

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Chapter 4

~Next Day~

Yawning and dragging herself out of bed, she did her usual routine and left the house straight after. The cat from yesterday was the first to greet Ayano and purred when she patted its soft velvety head. She smiled and started to walk to school again, and to her surprise the cat followed her, while the morning sky got a bit bright, and the breeze was slowly coming to an end.

“Morning Ayano-san!” greeted Momo Kisaragi, she was Shintaro’s little sister who a famous idol and another member of Mekakushi Dan, and she had the eyes to captivate an audience, when she sang with her heart. “Good morning,” Ayano smiled, “It seems like you also have a friend?!” she questioned, her orange hair was short and some of it was held in a plait.

Her usual outfit was always made to disguise her from her loving/over obsessive fans, who can be very troubling. “Oh yes, I met it yesterday, and I’m not sure who owns it.” Momo smiled a smile that showed all her pearly white teeth and knelt down to play with the cat. “Well you could always keep her or… he?” Ayano nodded and started to walk to the lockers, “Heyyyy Ayano! Wait upppp!” Momo’s cheery voice called to her, once they were next to each other, some girls started to crowed them.

 “Ayano! Hey Ayano” other girls exclaimed greeting her.

“Good morning Ayano,”

“Oh look, Momo!”

“Are you serious? Momo Kisaragi the FAMOUS IDOL!?”



“Do Ayano and Momo know each other?”

“I don’t think they do…”

“Oops I knew I should’ve worn something better to disguise myself,” Momo cursed, “Hey why are you girls squealing? Everyone can hear you from the other end of the school!” an irritated male snapped, behind Ayano. “Wahhhhh! It’s Shintaro, let’s go!” one of the girls squeaked in fear, and soon they all bolted away. “Ahh, thanks big bro!” Momo sighed relief, she looked really happy until he whacked her on the head, “Are you an idiot or what? You can’t just come here!” his eyes inside looked like they were on fire. “Itaiiiiii thaaaaat hurrtttsss! I’m sorry I’m sorry!” Momo cried, as Ayano put her hands up as if to stop them adding she smiled awkwardly.

“H- hey come down, Shintaro, it wasn’t Momo-san’s fault,” she commented, trying to calm down the tension between them. “And you, are you ok?” he asked, turning to Ayano and grabbing her arm a little too hard making her wince. “I- I’m fine, honest!” she said, trying to reassure the boy. He glared at Momo who gave a nervous chuckle and smile, “You know I was about to see Kido, Kano, Seto and Mary maybe you should come Ayano-chan and of course you to brother?!” Ayano’s body slightly stiffened and her eyes started to ring with tears.

She hadn’t seen them in ages and she missed them so much she had a strong longing to see them, ‘Will you abandon them again? Kido hates your guts…. Remember they will use their powers,’ the voice muttered. ‘Did you miss me girl? I’m back’ Ayano could almost see it smirk, in her darkened mind. She trembled and felt that both the siblings’ eyes were looking at her. “Haha yeah sure, I’ll come.” She said tilting her head to the side, grinning widely; Momo’s eyes brightened and hugged her, “Yay! I think they’ll be very happy!” Momo giggled while Shintaro didn’t say anything.

“Yeah me to,” Ayano chuckled, “Well cya after school, maybe!” she said turning to run off, maybe to her next concert? “Why do you always hide?” a voice beside muttered, “Huh?” Ayano looked at Shintaro confused; he sighed patting the top of her head “Never mind let’s just go,” Ayano smiled at him, “Sure thing,” as they walked to class, the cat also followed them, and Shintaro didn’t seem to mind, which caused Ayano smile even more.

After school came slowly but Ayano didn’t mind. Walking home under a blazing sun, on a hilly road, they walked, blurry figures, the summer heat was left in my Ayano's eyes “Don’t mind me, just go off somewhere,” And Shintaro brushed her hand away “I won't go,” she said to him, and grabbed his back “You’re so annoying!” he said, walking ahead as he began to leave her, without looking back. Ayano didn't know what she had done wrong, but she kept walking, even though she was falling behind. Ayano felt her heartache.

What should I do? Was the fleeting thought, that ran through her mind.

~The very next day…~

Recess time was when Ayano decided to remake the origami bird from the test paper Shintaro had ripped up. It took a while and her hands began getting sticky from the glue, she made sure the red 100 showed on the bird. When she was done she sighed relief and thought of places where she should put it, the rooftop was the only place she could think of so that’s where she ran to before her next subject began.

There was only a slight breeze, but when she gently placed it down, it didn’t fly away. ‘What a pretty place…’ she breathed, then an idea hit her. ‘No kid you are not dying here,’ the voice hissed, which only made Ayano smile a real smile that had no hidden feelings it. She stroked the red scarf and nodded her head. ‘It’s a REALLY pretty place to die, and I can finally get rid of you,’ the cold wind picked up but that didn’t frighten her. ‘I’ll come here afterschool.’ ‘No I won’t let you! You aren’t dying peacefully! Or happily! NO NEVER, I’m not done with you just YET’ the voice hissed.

Afterschool, the air was pleasant and the sky was a pretty shade of sunset, it was just… perfect. The cherry blossoms flew around in scattered bunch, I’m going to miss everyone especially Shintaro…. Kido, Kano and Seto was I a good ‘big sister’? Did you guys smile and live happily? Did I really accomplish everything I wanted to? Sudden thoughts rushed through her head, as she realized she might’ve not done everything she wanted.

‘Remember to smile, sweetheart and remember to look after everyone if I ever have to leave ok?’ a thought said, Ayano’s mouth dropped slightly, that was her mother’s voice. Her mother had died when she was young when Kido, Kano and Seto were living with them. She used to always tell Ayano to take care of them when she had to leave for her job.

Sitting next to the bird she had made, she took one last glance at it then leaned forward. Before she could back out she had already toppled over and was falling freely, she smiled when she past her classroom, then nothing but pleasant thoughts of her friends and family and of course happiness. Nothing could wreck this pleasant moment, not even the voice screaming at her, it seemed like it was somewhere distant?

The black cat meowed as it wandered onto of Ayano’s dead body and the red blood dribbled out of her with the last of her life force, it nuzzled her hand and continued to meow as if trying to wake her up. But of course Ayano wouldn't wake up not now or ever. It slept on the dead girl’s body as rain began to pour, softly at first but it started to get harder. As if the sky was morning over her.

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