Chapter Five: I Get Invited To A Party That's Neither Tea Nor Engagement

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-dedicated to Victoria. you probably know why.-

Chapter Five: I Get Invited To A Party That's Neither Tea Nor Engagement

Life's just a huge pain in the arse.

This is ancient news to everyone else, everyone who's lived in Wellingtons long enough already knows.

But not me. Not the kid who's only been here for a day.

I wish I could say I'm having a bad day, that it's not usually like this, blah blah blah. But I'd be lying. It's always like this. I always find a way to fuck things up.

So it's perfectly normal for the only girl that I've taken in interest in is the sister of enemy number one. Great, just great.

"What's wrong with your speech, Falls? Too shocked by the fact that the concept of twins exist?" McFinley snorts, but I barely hear him as I study Claresse.

Her cheeks are tinged with red, her eyes downcast. But I can see the small resemblances-the eyebrows, the way that her eyes are the exact same shade of brown as Dane's, the curve of her lips.

My heart sinks. So it's true. The universe is officially laughing in my face.

"Sorry." I murmur, collecting my things from the lunch table as Jack and the guys gape at me.

"What did you say Xander?" Dane sneers, as Claresse continues to stare at the floor, murmuring things I can't make out.

I clench my tray, and take a deep breath. "Sorry McFinley, shouldn't have... I shouldn't have retaliated." I growl and drop my plate of untouched mush into the garbage.

With the whole of the cafeteria watching me, I stride out of the room to the hallway, breathing heavily.

"What did you just do?" Cameron asks, as I grumble down the hallway, kicking anything and everything in sight. "That was the first time in years that someone's stood up to him, and you just blew it, you let him win." He asks, and sits down on a bench in the hallway. I sigh and seat myself next to him.

"I was rude." I reply, not in the mood for telling him I was sort of interested in Esse. All I've been is an ass to Dane, even though he deserves it, if someone was like that to my sister I'd hate them.

"Who cares?" He asks, watching me with his almost-black eyes. "Who fucking cares Xander-"

"Don't swear." I interrupt, wanting to wallow in self pity for a few moments. Can't I get a fucking break once in awhile? A grace period where I don't have to hurt someone, run from enemies, maybe even get a girlfriend... There are other girls at L.V, Xander. Shut the hell up and continue on with life. My subconscious snarls.

"Hypocrite, you swear all the time." He retorts, crossing his arms. "Now what's the real reason?" This guy's too smart for his own good. A couple people pass by in the dreary, white halls, but Cameron shoots them a look and they scatter.

I grit my teeth and let my eyes trail over the expanse of the hallway before giving up and sighing. "It's nothing, I've just had a bad day."

"Bull." He replies, straightening out his leather jacket. He almost drills holes into my head with his dark brown eyes. "That's absolute bullshit."

"What if it is?" I ask, crossing my arms. "Why do you care so much? I barely know you!" I retort, letting anger seep into my tone. I mentally kick myself, knowing I sound like the world's biggest asshole. But Cam doesn't even flinch, he just holds his stare at me, his expression unreadable.

"I care because... You're a decent person, I think. Not judging by the way you've treated everyone today, in fact, I've heard you're a raging asshole."

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