chapter3- New Celebration

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I hear my alarm on my phone go off. Its 6:30 am. I have my interview for my first day at night greys mental Hospital. I'm so nervous & excited. I get ready & wear a nice black elegant dress & some accessories like necklace & my Rolex watch. I grab my  beige high heels & a nice long black dress & have my hair down. I take a picture & post ready for my interview on Instagram & snapchat. I go outside & take my car & take my purse & make sure I have everything.
  I drive off finally arriving. I take in deep breaths calming myself. I walk in & I see a lady at the front. "Hi how may we help you.?" She said nicely " hi um I have a interview for 2s & 3n for a opening for  phycologists.?" I ask her "yess we have interviews today & can I get your name .?"  "Delilah smith " I said "oh yes come this way " she scans her Id work card & shows me where to go. " thank you "I smile "no problem hopefully you get the job " she says smiling wishing me luck. I walk in the elevator & she said the 3rd floor on the right.
  I walk out & enter the office "Delilah smith" I hear I young beautiful lady call my name "yes "I answer as I enter "please sit " she tells me smiling at me " as I see in your records you just graduated college at 19.? Correct.?" She says surprised "yes I have" I respond smiling "okay we just need to know if your trained right & are good as they say you are can you fill these papers out for me.?" She asks "yes" I respond I fill out the papers & once I'm done she views them. "Wow your really good as they say you are but its not just up to me its also up to my boss I'll be right back " she said standing up heading out to another door . I wait 5 minutes. I'm so nervous what If I don't get it ugh. I heard the door open & she walks out.     

   "Mrs.smith I'm going to tell you this I don't know how'd you take it but " oh god I didn't get bring it out I think to myself. "But YOU MADE IT THE JOBS YOURS!!!" She says almost screaming "ooh ..wait what are you serious I got it  .??!!! I say all surprised & happy almost about to scream "yes you have the job & you start next week on Monday 7AM - 7:30PM from Mondays & Fridays they will give you your Id right now you just have to get a picture & sign papers" she says smiling "wow thank you guys so much everything does really pay off " I said smiling "now I'm crystal if you ever need anything I'm here for you" she smiles hugging me " thank you so much crystal' I said crying "aww don't cry be happy" she said smiling I nod "thank you I should get going now " I said laughing & smiling.
I walk away waving bye to her & head to take my picture & everything. I finally head down finish everything & once I leave I hear the lady "did you get it.? " she smiled "um yeahhh " I said happy "OMG CONGRATS  I'm Lucy you'll see me every morning " she smiled at me "thank you & I'm Delilah " I said smiling we say goodbye & I head out. Wow still can't believe it. I get in check my phone I have a lot of messages calls missed , some said goodluck hope you nail it & I also have random numbers I'll check them later.
I head to my house & its now 10 am. I enter & my brothers home " so did you get it " he said " no " I said pretending "what why your amazing .?"he said "JUST KIDDING I GOT IT !!!" I screamed "I hate you so much go die but congrats sister mom would be proud & everyone " he said "y..yeah" I say stuttering " let's go celebrate & were bringing Yasmin" he said "okay & yess Yasmin " I said screaming. We head out & take his black Mercedes its nice but I like my car better I get in & so does he. He starts to drive & I grab the aux cord & put one night by Lil yachty I start singing " I just want you for the night taking pictures with all my eyes yeah I can't have no wife I just want you for the night" I sing & my brother has his phone snap chatting me onto his story with it saying "she got the job congrats baby sister & how she celebrates " & posts it. We finally arrive at Yasmin's & I go to the back. I see Yasmin & oh my god is she so pretty I only approve of her she sweet nice kind smart. My brother gets out & opens the door. "Awww what a gentleman " I say "he is one & omg CONGRATS ON GETTING THE JOB BRO" she said yelling "thank you & OMG HOW I MISSED YOU" I said getting up trying not to bump my head & head to her hugging her "I MISSED YOU TOO" she said yelling & smiling "what about me.?" My brother said "you too ugly" we both said & hugged each other. My stomach made a noise " let's go eat cause my stomachs talking guys " I said smiling & laughing they nod. They both talk about life or what ever & I go on my phone & finally view the messages I have.

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