Story 1: [ No Title Yet ]

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Hey everyone! So, recently, I started to write again. Mostly demigod fanfictions and stuff. So guess what?

I'm writing a demigod story.
[Kinda obvs.]

I'm making this book with my best friend, Euri :D Well.. Not really making but he helped a lot though :3

Anyhoo~ here's a sneak peek:

Four demigods travel through time and space
Afraid of the troubles they must face
The child of love afraid of hell
Afraid for her life decided to tell
The offspring of wisdom must learn to love
For the Gods to send help from above
The child of sun must cheat death
In order to secure Tartarus' last breath
If the bond between demigods and gods won't mend
Then all is lost and the world shall end.

And so! That's all you guys are getting. Oops. Anyhoo, I'm still in the process of writing the story on my notebook so it'll probably be done somewhere in August or sooner.

Now, why did I say Euri helped me with the book? Cause he made that thing up there [ that bold-italic thing ] for the book and jfc, I am literally so grateful.

Anyways, that's all for now~


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