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Alessia was not known for making great decisions, hence why she had went on a massacre in the fifties and why she defied her parents and married at the age of 16.

No, for over a century she wasn't the girl her family went to for decisions and she certainly wasn't the one anyone spoke with for advice. She had a knack for picking the worst possible choices but the strawberry blonde figured there was no point in living life with what ifs and eventually she would get the hang of things and make decisions that Edward wouldn't always have to save her from.

That motto however didn't help her in the slightest when she was looked at to make the final decision, one of which would not only affect her life but the entirety of her family as well as the brunette human staring at her with wide eyes.

Alessia understood why she was the deciding vote although most had said yes, except Rosalie and Edward, she was the only vote that truly mattered. This was her brother, her blood that they were discussing and the love of his life... a story of which she had been stuck right in the middle of. Although Carlisle Cullen was considered the patriarch and ultimately made the important decision for his family this was one he did not have a voice in. It was Alessia that was left last, the one everyone now stared at in curiosity as they attempted to crack the unbreakable emotionless face she was currently wearing. Yes, she comprehended why the task was given to her but that didn't mean she liked it.

"Alessia..." Edward spoke his sisters voice, it was in a tender way, one of which his sister had brief memories of hearing when they were still human, it was the voice he used to show how much he loved her. "You know what this means to me..."

At his words Alessia pursed her lips, her hand clamping tightly on the bannister of the stairs and eyes darting away from her adoptive family and towards the window diagonal to her. She understood what he wanted from her, she understood what Bella wanted but neither of those decisions mattered to her. It was what she wanted, what she could live with.

Her blackened eyes watched the evergreen trees outside, leaves dancing across the winds as today had been one of the brighter ones. Briefly she noticed one break off and flow through the cold air, escaping where it was once trapped too. She had never more wanted to be a small insignificant leaf then in that moment.

If she said no and kept Bella human then they would deal with the volturi who could show up at any moment and rip apart the small happiness she possessed within the family. However, if they didn't show up Bella Swan would age, she would become older and eventually become one with the ground once more... leaving a very heartbroken Edward who no doubt would attempt to commit the same acts they had stopped him from two days ago. Alessia knew her brother would again come to the ludicrous decision of death and she would be left alone forever in the world. Something of which she didn't care for, and would fight against at all costs.

If she said yes however, Bella would become one of them. Her brother would eventually forgive her and realize his life would be much easier with a more durable and immortal Bella. They would all live happily until the Volturi would come to collect their dues and the strawberry blonde knew one way or another they would rip the family apart.

She was damned if she didn't... damned if she did? The female vampire understood either outcome would cause hell to reign down on them eventually so it was all a matter of time. What was a girl like her to do?

She sighed, exhaling an unnecessary pull of air and looking down... a decision finally made. Right hand immediately clasping the pink diamond jewel resting at the base of her throat which Edward had given her once years ago.

"Alessia, I know what you're thinking..." Edward spoke up the moment his sisters darkened eyes met his own.

"You don't know what I'm thinking brother, remember you can't hear my thoughts." She quickly cut in, narrowing her eyes at him as her fingers began to tap on the wooden bannister. "Edward, you've chosen to follow her in death, what do you think I'm gonna do? I can't lose you brother, not ever. You want this girl more then your own life and I can't let that happen. At least this way she will be back. Yes, Bella will be one of us. I don't care if you hate me Edward, so long as you're alive to do it."

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