Harry paces back and forth in his room, frustration growing rapidly. He checks his phone every few minutes, waiting for a response. Or a call back. It seems like these past few months that's all he's been doing. Just waiting for Louis to find the time to finally respond to him. They haven't been on the same page, clearly. Louis is off at his second year of Uni, playing football for the school. And ever since this season started, he's been absent. Too busy to send a simple text message to his boyfriend.

They're supposed to move in together soon. Once Harry finishes his final year at school, he'll be joining Louis at uni, sharing the apartment together. But with the way things have been looking, he has concerns. Concerns about their relationship. They don't talk as much. Hardly see each other these days. Any time they do get the chance to talk, it's always short. Always ends up in an argument of some kind so the idea that they'll be moving in together seems unrealistic.

The last message he sent was over an hour ago, a simple question asking what his boyfriend was doing. It was a valid question, considering the last time he responded to the boy was last night. Again, after an argument about trying to figure out when they could see each other. It always ends the same. Louis is busy with practice or with team bonding. Or he has an exam one week or an assignment another. Sometimes it's just busy. Nothing more.

His argument is always that Harry should come visit him, but it's like he often forgets the boy has classes of his own. School he can't miss and exams he has to pass in order to get to uni.

It's a stupid cycle of arguing. Last week it was over something stupid. He thinks it had to do with the people Louis hangs around with. A bunch of dick heads, in Harry's words. They're a bad influence. Whenever there is a break in the football season, they're always the first ones to plan a party or an outing to a bar. They're not afraid to drink until they can't see or to say what's really on their mind. They essentially complain that Harry has him on a tight lease. It's the bane of their arguments. This trust that has slowly been breaking between them. Long distance had never been a problem until Louis' second year of university. It probably stemmed from his stellar first season as an incoming player, and now everyone sees him as some hot shot who shouldn't be dating a boy two years younger than him.

The pain has been unreal. Like a shock to his heart that spreads across his chest.

Harry understands though. Or, at least he tries to understand. He's dating someone who is in University now. Louis is older. Has older friends. Has football. A whole team of guys that he's pretty close to. Louis is living a new life now. He parties. He drinks. He has tattoos. He's different. They're supposed to be perfect. Never argue or never fight. The dream power couple. That's what everyone calls them. But any time Harry complains about how long it takes for Louis to respond to him or how he feels so neglected, it just leads to another argument. Leads to snappy messages and long, drawn out phone calls that end in tears.

But god forbid if Harry does the same to him. Give Louis the same treatment in taking forever to respond or seem uninterested in the conversation. Because Louis gets just as mad. Turns everything on him and complains that when he does try to give him attention, Harry is just a hypocrite. There's a double standard, and he hates it. Hates how much this pains him. Hates waiting. Hates arguing. Hates who they have become. Hates the people that he calls his friends. Hates that his friends are always talking so low about him. Harry just hates it all.


It's like a sharp stab into his heart when he thinks about how painful all this is. It stumps him for a moment, his whole body freezing as this pain shoots across his chest. As if his heart is no longer functioning. No longer working when it's not beating for Louis. Not like it used to.

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