Chapter 1

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The day I saw Christopher Hamilton was a cold February evening. I had moved in a couple days before to live with my soon to be stepdad. I thought 'great another older brother and a new dad'. I had no idea of the extreme fall my heart would take for a 17 year old boy. I was only 13 at the time, so young and stupid. I knew that I had no chance, yet my eyes tended to linger on him as he worked hard as the sun started to set.
We were about to go to a rodeo and he was helping with the trailer. He bent down to hook it and my eyes caught him. I stared admiringly at him until my brother's voice ripped through my thoughts "Meagan, come on!". I looked away from Chris and got in the truck. As we drove away I put in my headphones and looked at him until I couldn't see him anymore.
At the rodeo, all I could think about was my new crush. He hadn't seen me, I don't think, and Will didn't seem to notice that I was staring at him. Christopher had freckles on his cheeks and shaggy brown hair. He was tall and thin and just amazing. I wondered what he was like, was he cocky? Or maybe shy? I was wrapped up in these sweet day dreams until a thought crashed into me like a tsunami. He might have a girlfriend. He could already be taken. And I'm younger than him, he could never love me. A tear slid down my face at these thoughts. I wiped it away annoyed, I hate crying in public, and turned up my music.
I tried to enjoy the rest of the event without my mind falling to him. But every once in a while, something would make me think of him. A rodeo clown, for example, would make me wonder if he was funny. Or a horse would make me think, I wonder if he likes to ride? It was so completely annoying and I hated myself to think that way. But no matter how hard I tried, my mind always kept running back, to him.
When we got back to the mansion like house, Chris was no where to be found. I looked around anxiously trying to find him, but he had apparently gone home. I went inside with my head down when I suddenly bumped into a figure. "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention" I said looking up. It was Chris. I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked back at my black vans and smiled to myself. He's even more beautiful up close.
"Nah man it's fine. I'm Chris." He said sticking his hand out at me. I looked at it, then at him, and shook his hand. "I'm Meagan." I said. "Cool" Chris replied smirking.
At that exact moment I thought I was going to die. Literally. His face was killing me. I was internally fangirling as I shuffled back to my room. Then I closed the door, took of my shoes and flopped onto my bed. Then I screamed into my pillows. Was it bad that I was falling this hard for a guy I had only met that day? Was I being over dramatic? Probably, but in that moment I didn't care. I was in like and I didn't care. I didn't care if I made a total fool out of myself. I didn't care about anything. The feeling in my gut made me so happy I could've cried.
The next day I woke up the same way I do every morning. Grumpy. I got up and went to the bathroom and while I was peeing it occurred to me what had happened the day before. I squealed and went back to my room. I grabbed my phone and checked for notifications, which there were none because I'm a socially awkward weirdo with no friends.
I got up and went to the kitchen to look for some food. I scratched my butt as I opened the fridge door. Nothing. There was absolutely nothing to eat in that house. All that was in the fridge was chocolate syrup, milk, salsa, and some to go boxes. I looked in each of them and there was guacamole, chips, a half a quesadilla, one enchilada, and something else that I'm not sure about. I put them all back in the fridge and walked over to the pantry.
"Hungry?" A voice said behind me. I spun around and saw guess who? Christopher Freaking Hamilton. I brushed my hair with my fingers and looked up at him. "Um, yea I am. There is no fucking food in this house." I said turning around to look at the pantry again. "I know right. Curt has all this fucking money and no food!" I laughed and so did he then I continued to look for some food. There was some peanut butter so I grabbed it and walked out of the pantry. Chris backed off and sat down at the bar and I tried to ignore the fact that he was staring at me. I grabbed a spoon and hit the drawer with my hip. I walked over to the bar and sat down next to Chris.
"So aren't you Will's new step sister?" He asked me. "Well duh." I said with a mouth full of peanut butter. He chuckled and got out his phone. I was kinda sad that he quit talking to me but I played it cool and kept eating my PB.
When I got full I put up the half eaten PB jar and went up stairs to watch some Supernatural. I got up there and plopped down on the love seat. "What ya watching?" Chris asked plopping down next to me. I looked at him and smiled, "It's this really cool show called Supernatural." He put on a face of admiration and exclaimed, "I fucking love that show!" I laughed and said "Me too!" We laughed and then he asked "What season are you on?" I thought for a second, "Season 2". "Oh, I've seen every episode." I gaped "Really?!" He giggled, "Yea, seriously." I looked back at the TV, "That's impressive."
For a while we just sat and watched the show in silence until Chris got up and walked over to get a pool stick. "You wanna play?" I looked at him, slightly confused, and then nodded. "Yea, sure. I suck ass at pool though." He chuckled, "I'll take it easy on you." I smiled to myself and grabbed a pool stick. I rubbed some blue stuff on the end and blew while Chris set the balls up. "You wanna break?" He asked me. I nodded and got in position. He took off the triangle thingy gingerly and stepped aside. I stared down the pool stick into the triangle of balls and shot I got 3 stripes in and I looked up and winked he just chuckled and said "my turn" he looked so cute when he was focused he shot and made in 2 solids and the 8 ball I smiled and did a victory dance he looked amused and pissed at the same time it was adorable he looked at his phone and he said "I have to get home to my dad" I just said "ight see you tommorow" and he left.
*time skip to 12:00 the next day * I was making my 'breakfast' when Chris came in and stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of me in the middle of my kitchen with baggy shirt on which was not really long and my booty shorts and we just stared at each other for like 5 seconds and he asked "What the fuck are you doing?" I just looked and said "breakfast" he chuckled and said "at 12 in the afternoon?" "Yeah why not" he smiled got water then left. I sighed and got back to breakfast. When it was ready, I sat down at the bar and ate. I heard the door open and slam close, which made me jump. Chris walked over and sat down next to me. He honestly looked pissed. "Are you okay?" I asked him with my mouth full of food. He looked at me with an angry expression that scared me. "No, I'm not fucking okay. I'm really fucking pissed." I looked down at my cereal and sighed. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked him, glancing up. He sighed and turned to me. "I just found out my girlfriend has been cheating on me for 3 months with 3 of my friends. My dog died, I cracked my phone screen, I got into a fight with my friends," he pointed to his black eye and swollen lip," and then I found out that I have to work a double shift." He rolled his eyes and left. I sat there shocked, I thought my life was bad. Dang, I felt really bad for that boy. I finished my cereal and went upstairs, and Chris was there glaring at the floor taking deep exasperated breaths. He looked up at me and I said, "I'm really sorry about what happened. I wish I could help. If you ever need to talk, I'm here." He sighed and patted the spot next to him. I walked over and sat down only to be hugged by Chris. I was shocked at first and just kinda awkwardly patted his back, but after a bit I hugged him back and rubbed his hair. "Hey, it'll be okay. There are other fish in the sea besides that bitch." He looked up at me and his eyes were red and puffy. He smiled weakly then got up. "You really think so?" He asked looking at me. I looked into his eyes, "Yeah, I really do." He smiled at me and walked down stairs. I was shocked, Chris Hamilton hugged me. I was trying to process it all and I couldn't. So I just leaned back and watched Doctor Who.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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