The Deadly Practice

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It was raining, continuously for the last five hours. Life couldn't be any boring, I reflected. The chair, the old chair in which i have been clinging to, like a monkey was about to break, I thought. I have been sitting on it for precisely one hour, thirty nine minutes and twenty seconds. I had nothing to do but this to describe the vagueness of my life, at the present moment. A lousy day.

      On the left side of my so-seemed-to-be-comfo-chair, was the door to my house. On the right was the house's boundary wall, and back of me were the windows. And of course, above me, was the gate. And since my eyes could only look at one particular place at a moment, i decided to stare at the gate. The green gate.

Oh my beautiful gate. How exquisite and lovely your colour is. Heavens get blessed.

       While i stared at it and admired its insignificant beauty, i noticed a black head and two cycle tyres. Its hands opened the gate with such intense and pace, I witnessed it as one of my friends. A sight of a friend in such a lousy day sure felt good.

       I exclaimed from my chair, "Oh... Hey there? What ya doing in the rain? Come inside", with a half asleep tone. It was Ankit Singha. Pet name: Akut. My classmate. My spouse, kind of (To be ironical). A Blue_film-factory, for me.

"Kris", replied Akut, with a tone serious enough to give me shivers.

"Yeah, what?", I asked.

"Jon, he's met with an accident"

"Oh my god! Where? And...and how?", I exclaimed, jumping off the chair.

"I dont know. I do not. The last time we met, he said he wanted cigarettes and took off with his bike then"

"And when exactly was 'the last time'"

"Moments ago. Just before the accident", he continued, "C'mon he's at the hospital. Some stranger called me using his phone. Said he's badly injured."

"Damn! Lets go!"


So the day went on, and after precisely twenty-four minutes and twenty-nine seconds of tireless and simultaneous paddling, and fixing the bloody chains of both the cycles which kept falling like every two minutes, we reached the hospital gate.

       The sight of the hospital has frightened me ever since I was a small child. Its common among people, so i know, but in my case, I have always felt an unsophisticat-able aura of ghostliness in it. This time, perhaps, the mystical incoherently ghosts did not bother to frighten me, as I kept assuming that on the hospital bed and its white lifeless sheet, therein lied my friend. Injured, and god-knows-what.

     I went in. Met the consulting nurse, and discovered that my friend has been kept in the ICU, which irresistibly describes the seriousness of the incident.

      His Parents have been waiting outside, worried, an in-grief sitution. We asked them if they have talked with him, and they did, and, asked us to be cheerful with him.

       Jon had been laid straight in the white sheet of the lifeless hospital bed. A certain languishing sight. His eyes were closed, as if he was in a deep sleep. Deadly silence prevailed over the room.

      We took slow and soft steps, intended not to disturb him. But highly unsuccessful, we were. His eyes opened as we took our fifth step and his head turned towards me and Akut. I guess reflexes works more efficiently after terrible incidents.

"Hey", I said, trying to look sorry, which i was, and calm at the same time, which i wasn't. What do people even say at such moments, I wondered, deeply.

"Hii", said the patient. His voice weak and pale.
"So...what happened, man? You look catastrophic.", I asked. He did look catastrophic.

"Accident of course."

"Mind being specific, sir"

"I was riding to Nobi's shop to buy myself cigarettes, when a bike geared up and Kicked my bike.", Jon replied, brusted with rage.

"Jesus! Did you see him?"

"No. all happened in an instant. And, he had a helmet on"

"And how did you bang your head?", Akut asked, cautiously, real stupid question.

"Hmm. Let me say you frankly. So, i fell into the nearby gutter after the kick, and then my head started bleeding and then i saw my bike, up front. It was damaged. I felt so devastated. And then I put my hands on my head and concluded that it was bleeding.... I tried to get out of the gutter. The smell nearly killed me. I tried to get out but I dont know if i did so or not. I fainted and the next thing i realise is waking up in this...this shit-smelling bed.", he said, trying to be energetic.

"Did you tell you parents?", i asked, after a brief moment of silence.

"No, well yes. Didnt tell em 'bout the cigarettes, but the rest i did so"

"Hmm", I sighed, continuing, "Take care Jon. We will be right back"

He nodded.

Akut furiously walked out of the room. He was angry. Not angry at Jon, but the person who had the deed done. We had already assumed who the culprit was, and who could have been. We needed to prove our assumption to be correct and that would be it.

"How could he do this! Seriously how could he fucking do this!! This had just moved to a different level of revenge taking! Jon could have died!", he added, "I am gonna take care of that son-of-a-bitch!"

"Calm down, Akut. We will sort it out tomorrow.", continuing, "he won't be forgiven this time. He will pay his debts this time!"

"Alright! Fine!", Akut nodded.


Hey guys, this story is gonna be a seriously long one. So please keep waiting for the next chapter's to arrive.

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