Chapter 1

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IRoboII is a normal citizen of Robotipia.His wrost enemy is his job.He is working on a factory where they are creating new robots.Sometimes he feels so boring.Anyway right now he is walking down the street.He is very lonely robot.His only robo-mates are Robo111 and his sister Robotina.So you will ask how Robots have sisters?Ah if they are created by the same Robot they are family.Anyway back to our hero.IRoboII reached the factory."Hello my friends"He said."Hello IRoboII."they said alltogether."Oh you are bored"They all said YES!.He was creating hands.The robot mother was his Boss her name was Rabacotines.She was a mystirious robot.Suddenly an explosion heard.

Sorry for the cliff hunger but this story is not very dark so enjoy the lighter side of my writting skills

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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