Doctor: Remember you HAVE to come back at least once a week so we can track your sugar levels. If not then you'll have to be emitted full time for a certain period of time again. I'm sure you wouldn't want that?
Doctor Nelson says while walking me to the reception door
Me: Definitely not
Doctor: You sure you don't want a lift home?
Me: It's alright, I wouldn't want to disturb your shift
Doctor: My shift ends in an hour
Me: And within that hour you could be saving another life or curing cancer
*There's a pause*
Doctor: You know what, I'm taking you home
Me: No Doc it's alr-
Doctor: If anything was to happen to you on your way home it would be my fault. So get in the car and lets go.
I didn't want to argue with Doc, he seemed stressed enough, well who wouldn't with the job he has.
We walk up to a shiny black Range Rover.
Me: Well you've spent your money wisely
Doctor: In deed I did
The journey to my house wasn't that long since I lived near central London anyway. I never noticed how nice Doc's side profile is, actually I didn't really notice how good looking Doc really was.

Doctor: We are here
I awake to the sound of Doc's voice and the sight of my house
Me: H-h-how
Doctor: Relax I didn't stalk you, we have your address in our files
Me: Oh, did I fall asleep?
Doctor: Sure did, your blood pressure went down so you just dozed off middle of our conversation.... Ohh I almost forgot, take these once a day, it will help keep you sugar levels..well levelled
He hands me a small clear tube full of pills
Me: Great now I can pretend to be a druggie
Doctor Nelson looks at me shocked and worried
Me: Too far?
Doctor: Too far
I giggle a little
Doctor: I'm serious Lexi these pills are dangerous-
Me: I know I know take them responsibly blah blah blah, gosh when did you become my mother
I snap at him and leave the car.
I walk up the steps of my front door, slowly bend down to get the key from under the door mat. My hands are shaking uncontrollably that I could barely fit the key into the key hole. I step in to sense the atmosphere... No one's home.
Me: Great
I say to myself. I walk up into my room and it's exactly how I left it, messy. Suddenly I get an overwhelming flash back of the night of my birthday, the day I was abducted because I decided to save the three fucking pricks that ruined my life.
Mum: Lexi?
My mum said while entering the room
Me: Mum!
She runs up to me and squeezes me so tight that my pills almost fell out my pocket
Mum: Are you okay? Where did you go? Why in the world did you go Manchester without telling me? Where's Andre? Is he okay? Ohh darling I was worried sick, and so were your sisters.
Ahh doubt it, I say to myself
Me: I'm fine, all is good. I'm sorry I didn't warn you, it was just a sudden thing. Andre is umm... Coming soon he dropped me and left.
Mum: Is he okay?
Me: He's fine
Mum: Don't do that again
Me: I promise!
We stand there and just hugging each other, ahh how much I wish I could just tell her, tell her what happened, tell her about everything that's happened but, I know it would hurt her
Courtney: Look who decided to show up
She says while standing by the door frame with Megan. I quickly wipe my tears and face her
Megan: Why are you crying
Me: I-I'm not
Courtney: You decide to come back 7 weeks later
Me: You've been counting?
I smirk
Courtney: Don't play with me
Mum: Courtney's right, you've missed a lot of school, you're going back tomorrow
Me: MUM! But tomorrow's Wednesday there's no poi-
Mum: ENOUGH! You're going tomorrow and that's that, go to bed now and get some rest
Why must she be so annoying at times like this.

Great! Let the overwhelming questions begin.
Walking up to the gates is probably one of the most nerve racking thing I have experienced for a while. Just standing there, staring at the cold metal poles of the gate and the words writing Westminster High. A cold breeze ran down my spine making me shiver. Here we go, I was already late so the front ground was empty.
Receptionist: Who might you be my darling?
Me: Lexi... I mean Alexis... Alexis Ford
Receptionist: Alright Alexis let me just sign you in
She taped her keyboard rapidly then stops
Receptionist: It seems here that you haven't been in for 7 weeks, may I ask why?
Me: I errr, I err was on holiday with my family and forgot to inform the school
Receptionist: Uhh hhh... But it states here that you have siblings in this school and they have been attending school, except your older brother.
Andre? I thought he dropped out of school, why is he still being mentioned?
Me: I didn't go with my immediate family, just my cousins
Fuck sake I'm so bad a lying. My palms are sweating, if only she saw.
Receptionist: Alright Miss Ford could you please head your way to the heads office pleas-
Receptionist: To get your new timetable
There's silence
Receptionist: It changed over the half term
She says in a confused tone
Me: Oh right, sorry about that
I get up and leave heading to the head teacher
Ms Cox: Alexis Ford
She says while stopping everything to stare at me
Ms Cox: Sorry if I'm staring but I believe your explosion was only for a week..... And it's been 7
Me: Uhh yeahh I was away for a while
Ms Cox: Clearly.... Here for the new timetable?
Me: Yes miss
She hands me a small sheet of paper that is my timetable. As I was about to leave her office she stops me
Ms Cox: Alexis
Me: Yes miss
Ms Cox: Stay away from boys this time, as a head I see a lot of broken hearted girls running these halls becoming rebellious, the boys here are pathetic and useless, don't become those girls that ruin their lives over a boy
Me: Don't worry Ms Cox, I'm 100% over the boys in this school
Ms Cox relaxes
Ms Cox: Good
I stand outside the head teachers office just staring at my time table. Ahh history is first great. Daniel is in my class, this is not what I wanted for my first day back. Walking up to my history class I mentally prepare myself for the amount of stares, questions and back talks I will receive the moment I open this door. Once I opened it I see a full class staring directly at me including my history teacher Mr Finn, I give him my note from Ms Cox and carried on looking for a spare seat. There's no seats except one next to Daniel at the back. Fuck no I am not sitting next to this fucker. I look at him and he's shocked to see me, probably shocked that I'm still alive.
Mr Finn: Alexis take a seat you have a lot to catch up on
Me: There's no seats sir
Mr Finn: Alexis there's one next to Daniel
Immediately I got more intense screws from the girls on the far right next to the windows
Me: I don't want to sit next to him
Mr Finn: Alexis! You're disrupting the lesson
Me: Then get me a seat which is not next to... Daniel
Mr Finn looks angry now
Mr Finn: Fine sit on my desk then if that's what you prefer
The class starts laughing but, as soon as my bum hit sir's seat everyone realises that I'm serious, even sir.

Throughout the lesson Daniel kept staring at me trying to get my attention but, I'm not giving it to him
Mr Finn: Class is over, please write a review on the civil rights movement by next Wednesday.
I pack my books and rush out the door and into the girls toilets to avoid Daniel at all costs. I start panting a little because i'm so out of shape. Looking at the bathroom mirror it's obvious that you can see my scars from previous beatings, my black eye mark from when Moanna punched me, the marks on my chin from when Connor hit me unintentionally and even a little scar on my cheek from where Simon hit me at the motel. Thinking about Simon made me tear up a little. I miss him soo much man.
???: Are you okay?
A girl walks in the toilet and interrupts my thoughts.
Me: Yes I'm fine
???: You're Alexis Ford right
Me: How do you know
???: You're the girl that got shipped
Me: Aha is that the rumour now?
???: Not the only one, there were loads, one was that you were dead, another was that Daniel got you pregnant so you dropped out. There were some bazaar ones like you killed Moanna to get back at her
Me: These are funny
???: Don't they bother you?
Me: Nope because they're not true
???: So what happened then?
Me: I just simply went on a leave
???: So why did Daniel not come into school for a while as well
Me: I don't know, nothing to do with me
I look down at the girl and notice her uniform, she's a younger
Me: Don't listen to rumours, they're not true okay. As long as you know it's not true that all that matters.
The little girl smiles and leaves the toilet. I've been in here for a while... I should leave. I slowly leave the toilet cautiously looking around me. The coast is clear. I begin to pick up my pace away from the toilet but, then bump into Daniel.
Daniel: Aren't you off in a hurry
He grabs my arm and quickly dashes me in a small closet locking the door behind him.
Me: Really?
Daniel: So you think coming back to school I won't talk to you
Me: I tried to avoid you
Daniel: I know! What the fuck was that stunt in History today
Me: Just telling the truth
Daniel: Didn't have to make it so dramatic
Me: Dramatic? Ohh no no no what was dramatic was when you left my house with those men at the night of my birthday
Daniel: Shhhh keep it down
Me: Keep what down? The truth? That you're a fucking drug dealer
Daniel: Lexi I swear
He starts to grip my shirt tighter
Me: Or you'll do what? Snake on me? That I'm here?.... Home? Go on, we'll see who's the on getting in trouble instead
Daniel: Lexi please
Me: Do not say that
Daniel: I'm just concerned about your wellbeing okay! I want you to be safe
Me: Safe yeah
Daniel: Look what happened that night was chaotic yes but there was a plan. It was cute how you tried to be the hero and save us but you put yourself at risk. I couldn't bare to think what would have happened to you if your brother didn't save you
I froze
Daniel: I know your brother's Tamz
Me: And you didn't bother to tell me
Daniel: I couldn't tell you because it wasn't safe for you to know
Me: Soo what you thought I was going to go on the streets and scream out who the fuck Tamz was?
Daniel: I just couldn't say anything okay! I was protecting you end of
Me: Whatever
I grabbed the handle of the door ready to open it when Daniel placed his hand over mine
Daniel: I know what happened to Simon
My heart stops. I just freeze, looking at the handle
Daniel: If it makes you feel better, I thought it was out of order what Andre did. He knew you loved Simon and visa versa but, Connor was jealous about your whole relationship.
I still stay frozen fixated on the handle
Daniel: Connor Still loves you Alexis, that's why he's doing everything he can to make sure that you don't fall in love with anyone else but him.
I push Daniel's hand out the way and rush out the closet.
Daniel: Alexis wait!
Daniel shouted but, it was too late, I was already down on the other end of the hall

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