chapter 2- Optimus Prime and Etalia 1

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{^°~ΠKyler's POVΠ~°^}

While Cade was working on the truck, I was working on the dirt bike we also brought home. "Can you pass me that wrench Tess?" I asked her as she passed by, and her being the nice sister she is, she gave me the wrench and continued on the argument she was having with Cade. Later on in said argument, I heard a car pull up and, without taking my eyes off the bike, I called out, "Purple people eaters back! And she looks hungry!" Cade marched outside to deal with her and he brought a baseball bat with him. While everyone was outside the barn, I took off my hoodie with my back facing the dirt bike and truck, revealing the strange birthmark I had. I must have been going insane because I heard, not one but TWO gasps coming from behind me, but me being me, I IGNORED it and continued working on the dirt bike.


Everyone else is asleep at the moment excluding Cade and I. "I'm going inside now, see you in the morning Cade." I said to the man working on the truck. He didn't reply, but hooked it up to a working battery. "CALLING ALL- CALLING ALL AUTOBOTS!" We couldn't do anything but stare at the truck. I ran to the bike I had been working on and hooked it up to a battery. The exact same thing happened but in a more feminine voice. "Cade... d-did we just..." I asked the unspoken question while turning to look at him. "I... I think we did... Kai, we just found Transformers..."


"You guys have NEVER seen a truck or bike like this!" I exlaimed while walking into the barn with the others following me . "Lock the door!" Cade ordered Lucas. "It doesn't have a lock..." He commented, but closed the door anyways. Lucas soon joined us by the pieces of machinery, and waited thought Cade's explanation about why we called him and Tess in here. "This took some Yeager genius!" I exclaimed walking over to the dirt bike. Me and Cade hooked them up to a battery simultaneously and "CALLING ALL- CALLING ALL AUTOBOTS!" rang out throughout the barn. "I don't think these are a normal truck or dirt bike at all..." Cade started, " 'Cause I think we just found Transformers..." I finished for him. "Transf- RUN!" Lucas yelled running for the door, with Tess trailing right behind him. "Guys wait!" I called to them, but they ignored me. "I'll go talk to them, be right back!" Cade called to me as he followed them, "alright!" I answered as he ran out. Around 2 minutes later, they came back in and Cade told Tess she can go wait in the house after showing her that the truck won't hurt him. "Dude is that a missile?!" Lucas asked, and Cade replied that what he is holding, is in fact, a missile. The thing launched from Cade's hands and ricocheted off the bike and truck, the best part? I WAS BESIDE THE DIRT BIKE! IT NARROWLY MISSED MY HEAD! "DAD! THERES A MISSILE IN THE FAMILY ROOM!" Tess screeched from the house. "Holy fu-" Cade was cut off by sparks flying from both Transformers and they transformed. I was nearly killed two times in a matter of minutes... I might just faint. "Stay back! I'll kill you!" The male sounding one of the two said. "CADE!" I called from my spot by the dirt bike. "KYLER, COME HERE!" and at Cade's words I sprinted to him. As I reached him Lucas called out to call 911, and ran towards us, but got hit with a 10 FOOT CANON. "Oh my god..." Tess whispered beside me, causing me to jump in surprise. WHEN DID SHE GET IN HERE?!?! Oh well time to see if they will kill us or not. 'Please don't kill us, please don't kill us,' I continued to chant that one phrase in my head over and over again. "Lucas, just stay calm" Cade said to him as he got up slowly holding his head. "Easy human..." The feminine voiced one stated. "Wow..." I exclaimed as I looked between the two robotic beings, curiosity shining within my eyes. "Wepons system damaged." The transformer that was previously a truck commented backing away from us, along with the dirt bike, both now weilding a gun. "Its alright, your safe now..." I told them, ever so slowly moving towards them. "Your in my home now, I'm an inventor, my name is Cade Yeager and this is Kyler, she helped me in repairing you two...". The robots looked at each other, most likely arguing about if they should trust us or not, and I think they decided they would because the introduced themselves to us. "My name is Optimus Prime," "and I am Etalia 1" their voices were thick with authority and leadership...


A/N: Hey-Oh readers! I would like to say thank you for you patience on the amount of time I took for me to publish this part! I'm sooooo sorry it took forever! But as you know from my last A/N, this is my first book so I want it to be good! But the next part, hopefully, will be out soon. So until next time!
~Kyler the Phoenix Seal

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