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**Jazzys P.O.V**

Just as Long Way Home by 5sos ended we pulled up to the busses. Both of us climbed out of the car and walked into the bus. As soon as we got in I checked if the coast was clear of boys, and ran into the bathroom.

When I got in there I put the dye in my hair and let it sit for 25 minutes, once the dye had set I rinsed it out of my hair then just hopped into the shower and fully washed it.

Once I was done in the shower, I got out and wrapped a towel around my hair and one around my body. Then walked to my suitcase to grab some black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and other needed things.

I went back into the bathroom and got dressed. I then blow dried my hair, once my hair was dry I gathered my stuff and put it in my suitcase. Then I went to go find everyone else.

I found them all sitting in the dark living space watching a movie I didn't recognize. I spotted Louis sitting in the middle of the couch and slowly made my way over to him without disturbing to many people.

When I got to him I just sat on the floor in front of him, and leaned against his khaki clad legs. He looked down at me and smiled at me before looking at my hair and instantly put his hands in my hair, running his fingers through it.

He then pulled me up and onto his lap, nusseling his face into my hair. He whispered in my ear saying,

"Didn't expect the change but I love it!"

I smiled and whisper back,

"I'm glad you like it!"

I nusseled my face into his chest and he wrapped his arms around my body, just like we usually do but this time the cuddleing was full of care, and admiration.

When the movie ended, the one I really wasn't giving any attention, the person closest to the lights, who I think was Niall, flipped them on and everyone started to get up.

We stayed seated and as people passed us they all commented on my hair saying how it looks great! Or how it really fits my personality! I just smiled and said thank you to them all.

Soon we were the only people left in the living space so I tried to get up and leave the room, but Lou kept me there. In his arms for a few minutes longer.

"Lou, babe, I need food!" I whined to him.

"But boo, I need you!" He said then started laughing at himself because he rhymed.

"Awe they are having their first cheesy moment!" Harry shouts while bursting into the room.

"Oh piss off hazzabear!" Lou says to harry.

"Yea what boo said!" I say.

"I thought you were my 'boo'!" Harry whines to louis while fake crying.

"I am but..." Louis starts only to be cut off by harry.

"No... Apperantly not because you let that girl corrupt our relationship!" Harry then stormed out of the room.

"Um... Is that how he really feels?" I confusedly ask.

"Oh, gosh no! watch hazzabear will be back to being your best friend in like two minutes!" He explains.

"Oh good!" I reply

And no word of a lie two minutes later harry came bounding into the room and sat next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and nusseling his face into my shoulder while saying,


"Yes?" I ponder.

"We need to go on a friendship date" he finishes.

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