the shyco brorhers

7 1 0

well he had gone to the office with the asshole of E.jack.well nothing bad right ahh...

In the office...

Sora-um hows the guy in blue

Ben-looks like you jeff

Ejack umm im sory but is int that lui???

Jeff-shut it blind ass.

Lui-jeff*said mad*

Jeff-lui you dint go to sleep or still

Lui-na I'm not goin to be an assholw like you.

Jeff-then come at me brother*the started fighting.

Sora-weres the popcorn

Pupetter-here*brings popcor

Ben-wtf seense when they send you to the office.

E.jack-hes a pervert.

Pupetter-now am not.

E.jack-wernt you send to the office by taking pictures of zero in jym class.

Pupetter-so what.

Ben/sora-you now what.


Ben- f*-*k you pervet

Sora-can i see those pictures

Pupetter-here*gives the pictures to sora*.

Sora- •///•*bleeds from his nose*

Pupetter-you like it.

Sora-pervet what the f*-*k.

Jeff-lui whant to play call of duty.

Lui-ok lets go.

The four of us-what wernt you fighting

Jeff-hell no his brother

Lui-now lets go


Lui-to play cod

Sora-fuck it im goin

Ben-ok lets go

Umm i dont now what to say lui!!!!!!!!!!!


Me-sai something.

Lui ok pace out

Me ohh wel pace put

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