umm is jeff jealus

9 1 1

Well the day started good until E.jack came and started talking akward things with jane but i hope that it doesn't go in to a fight.

Jane prov

E.jack i getting wierd first he ask me if i was in love with jeff and now his stoking me what the hell.

E.jack-hey jane what you doing to night.

Jane-um im goin out with nina way

E.jack-um ok

Jeff prov

Jeff-jack im goin to kill you asshole...

Sora- are you stoking jane and e.jack.

Jeff-no im not stoking them.

Ben-um its true.

Jeff-what is true

Sora do you mean*booth ben and sora*e.jackxjane.

Jeff-*beats the s*-*t out of them f*-*k you guys.


Ben-did you youst cursed.

Sora-yes why.

Ben-what cool.

Sora and jeff-ohhh shut up.

Ben ok but weres jane and e.jack.

E.jack-hows the asshole now jeff.

Jeff-*gets his knife and tries to kill e.jack *go to sleep!!!!!!!!!*screams*.

E.jack-you miss*barth blood*what the f*-*k.

Sora-but i din't*with the combat knife gets his ribs.

Ben-ohhhh shit men you dead.

Jeff-thanks sora.

Sora-no probs now lets go.

Jane-what s-s-sora what d-did you do.

Ben-im sorry jane*knocks her out.

Jeff no lets  go.


What you think live your coments bellow an crepypastas invented by you and ideas i hope you like it peace out.

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