~Two~ Fireworks (Independence Day Edition)

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You're sitting at your brown, plain and simple makeshift desk sipping (favorite latte) while binge watching nail art videos from Simply Nailogical. Placing down your glass of (favorite latte), you pull out three bottles of nail polish, red, white, and blue, along with a base and top coat polish. Having the rise of inspiration from all the YouTube videos, you begin painting your country's, United States of America's, flag on your nails, leaving the accent nail just layered blue linear holographic nail lacquer.

This took a LONG TIME! Ya woke up at two AM, now six AM and your glass empty. You joyfully sighed at how amazing this nail art turned out, since you're HORRIBLE at manicures. "HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY, 'MERICA!" you quietly shouted as your fist punched the air. "Hmm, I gotta Snapchat and Instagram this!" Tapping the button on your phone, a message appeared from a group DM (C/N) is in.

'Hmmm, maybe I should send him a text.' Tapping the clicking keys, you messaged him a 'HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY, (C/N)!!!'

Of course he didn't respond back to your message, he never does. He's always hanging out with his dang girlfriend and stuff, he ain't got time to freakin' text ya a "Hey, how's your summer going so far?" Yep, he's a pure jerk, and he doesn't even notices it.

      Being bored and since your familia is too lazy to throw a party or BBQ, you decided to spend hours and hours of either playing your instrument, writing and reading chapters on Wattpad, or watching YouTube videos.

You scrolled through your Instagram feed, a particular picture just started making you pour down tears. It was a picture of (C/N) and his annoying, unfitting girlfriend, cuddling up, her head rested on his chest. "Hey, sis!" Your older brother poked you, while you immediately wiped away your liquid sorrows.

"Hey, bruh!" You smiled and ran upstairs to change. When finished, you ran down the stairs and slipped on your shoes. "Yo, bro!"

"Ya?" He was drinking a caramel macchiato, staring at you tying your shoes.

"I'm gonna go out for a walk, K?" You stood up and unlocked the wooden, dated door.

"Okay! Make sure you stay away from strangers...AND BOYS!" He shouted since you were already half-way down the stone driveway.


~~~~~~~Crush's P.O.V.~~~~~~~
      I scrolled through my Instagram and a message popped up. It was from the beautiful (Y/N). Did I say beautiful? Er I mean.... Ugly (Y/N). I don't want to just be reminded of her so I just didn't want to respond.

      Feeling bored as heck, I slipped on shoes and took a run 'round the neighborhood, hoping to run into her, my destined lover. "DANG! Sheesh! It freakin' sounds like the dang Hunger Games up n'ere!" A familiar girl's voice groaned. I looked up to see the cute (Y/N) squinting her eyes at the sound of fireworks going off. The moonlight made the beauty of her shine along with the fireworks blasting.

      "I agree." She flipped her direction to me, I could see her eyes dull, her lips straighten in a line, dry tears dotted her face. "Oh (Y/N), is something wrong?" I walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

       Her expression sour, "Get off of me, you dang jerk! And no, I'm NOT OK!" She pushed my hands off. "I no longer love you like I did before."

      "Wait, you love me?"

      "Correction; loved."

       She turned the other way around and began run away from me as if I was a wolf or something. "WAIT! HOLD UP!" I caught up to the saddened girl, the one I was truly destined to with from the first day we met. Her smart mind, young heart, and wise soul, that's the one for me. She then tripped on a crevice of sidewalk, my initial reaction told me to catch her. I wrapped my arms around her, catching her, and pulling her close to me. Breathing in her pretty scent, softly whispering, "I love you. You're my one and only for now.....on."

      Her face reddened, she whispered back, "I love you too, (C/N)."

      I then smashed my lips against her cheek, leaving a kiss there. "Well, what about (insert his now ex's name)?"

       "I broke up with her today, I didn't want to spend my life with someone like her." She then twirled around and faced me, she then wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me passionately.

       I winked at my friend who was crouching in the nearby shrubs, red rhododendrons. "Hey, let's watch the fireworks together. Shall we?"

      An adorable giggle escaped from her lips. "We shall." We pivoted our heads to the night sky, stars shining bright.

       A firework shot up in the air, exploding into a loud 'boom!' It was heart-shaped, written "(Y/N) + (C/N)"

      "WOAH! THAT'S AWESOME! And Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" She chuckled.

      I blushed, scratching my neck. "Well, you see m—"

      I was cut off by her lips against mine. This was the best day ever!

Isn't it a bit ironic? Independence Day, when two people come together? I do. I just started writing these so... FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED!




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