saturday shopping This'll be fun. NOT!

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Because my darling asshole sisters love me so much their taking me shopping. (They hate the way i dress). I picked out a red flannel , black jeans,a black Bob Marley shirt and black high top converse. I liked it so naturally Lauryn and Adriane had criticism. "Corinne why so melancholy " Adriane said nicely nitpicking my choice of clothing. "Because i want to express myself threw my clothing just as i would threw my art,cooking,writing and etcetera", i said in terrible french accent for reason i have no clue.

I picked out a few more outfits then we went to the cashier. " You have beautiful hair" he said.
Thank you i said not really sure if he was talking to me cause we all had beautiful hair. But he was and what he said next i could've slapped him.

The asshole said "Are you mexican".

"Know actually we're el salvadorian and african Brazilian jackass". Adriane said with most pissed off smile on her face .
"Why do you assume were mexican" Lauryn said clearly just as pissed as i was.

"Woah I'm sorry i didn't know" he said looking stupid .
"Yea you didn't know wash is why you fucking ask asshole" i said burning up with frustration.

We finally got home lauryn showered first, i was next and i had only hoped she hadn't used all the hot water. I got in shower and well their was no fucking hot water!. Thank you lauryn cause i really needed a cold shower i said sarcastically. As i entered my room trembling from lack of hot water.

So last Diary entry today

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