Chapter 6: Attack

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Juliettes POV:

I feel light. Like I could float away with the clouds, but then I remember Adam. He's the rock that's weighing me down now. Aaron knows that somethings up because half way to the kitchen he stops me.

"Juliette love, what's wrong?" His voice is steady but his eyes are worried.

"It's Adam. When I came down he through a rage and accused me of ruining my life and stated how he's gonna kill you." I'm fighting to hold back tears now. I continue before I completely break down. " I'm scared Aaron. I don't want him to hurt us. I'm scared for the baby." The tears are streaming down my face now and Aaron pulls me into his arms.

"Juliette, I won't let anyone hurt you. Nothings going to harm you or our baby as long as I live." He tightens his hold on me and kisses my head. Fifteen minutes pass before he let's me go.

"Love, the meetings starting soon. Do you want me to stay with you?" I do, is what I don't say, I so desperately want him to stay, but I know he has to go to the meeting.

"No, you go. I'll see you later." I give him a kiss on the lips and send him on his way.

I am stuffing myself with sandwiches. I haven't eaten since yesterday and so now I'm making up for it. After 3 sandwiches I'm finally full, so I thank the kitchen people and make my way back to my bedroom. The hallways are quiet. I don't pass another soul. I've missed strolling these hallways. Being in solitary the last 3 months has been driving me crazy. I've only seen Aaron. And it's not like I've gotten tired of his face yet but I just needed to see other people. Especially my friends. That's why I'm so glad I got to see everyone today, particularly Kenji. I had missed him. The only person I haven't and won't ever miss in my life, is Adam. I still can't believe he said that to me. What he said about me, my baby and Aaron hurt more than any physical pain. I'm still thinking about him when I hear my name.


I whip around faster than I thought I was capable, to see Adam standing behind me, his blue eyes cutting into mine. Fear immediately shoots through me. He takes a step closer, then another, and another,until he's standing in front of me."So, love, were you ever planning on telling me you're pregnant? Or were you gonna just wait until the baby arrives,then hide it from me?"

I don't know what to say. Because I really don't have an answer to his question.

"Well... see... I didn't really tell anyone. So it's not like it was just you...."

He laughs. Laughs. His cruel terrible laugh echoing off the corridor.

"You don't think, as the baby's uncle and your ex, I should've known? You didn't even want to tell me or James, Warners family. Oh wait, I forgot, you don't care about family."


"Adam, it's not like that. Really. I haven't seen anyone apart from Warner for 3 months. How would I've told you?" His face is so red and always so mad that I think I've forgotten what he looks like without the anger contorting his face. He actually looks like he's about to explode.

"You. Juliette. Are the monster you've always thought you've been. How could you have told me? I don't know, maybe if you had gotten off your big ass and come down and told me I would've known."

"You could've known so what? You could stand and give the same lecture 5 months ago?" there's a flicker of desperation and longing on his face but it's gone so quickly I'm not even sure it was there. But then he does the last thing I thought he would. He grabs me and kisses me. On the mouth. After a second of confusion, I punch him square in the jaw to get him off me. Now I'm the one who's angry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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