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I swear I cannot last another 4 months of being pregnant. Already my stomach is swelling, my hips are wider and my breasts are bigger. I roll off the bed, and reach for the bedside table to pull me up. Aaron's already gone to a meeting in sector 46, and won't be back till later. I'm taking the opportunity of his absence to go down stairs for the first time in 3 months. Well, down the elevator. I reach over to put my shoes on, but my stomach is in the way. I swear. "My patience is growing thinner and thinner each day with you!" I read in one of the books Aaron found for me that talking to your baby is healthy. I used to feel stupid, but now everything on my mind I say to the baby. Instead I put on some slip ons, and walk down to the elevator. Kenji POV The doors click open, and someone walks in. Holy crap she's fat! Holy crap she's pregnant Holy crap it's Juliette No no no no no... I've got to get out of here. She doesn't see me, or at least I think she doesn't. Just walks right in, presses the button for ground floor, and stands, facing away from me. Her hand absentmindedly strokes her plump stomach, and I feel a pang of guilt. "It's a bit cold today, don't you think?" She says politely, never fully looking behind her, eyes glued on her belly. I don't know if she's talking to me or the baby. She turns her head when I didn't answer. She gasps when her feel hazel eyes find my face. I release a strangled sound that seemed to be stuck in my throat. Oh god I was such a dick to her. She's facing the biggest 9 months in her life and she has been completely abandoned by her best friend of no fault of her own. for once in her life she could believe that she could have a family, that she could be loved by someone. That she could touch someone. And I'm annoyed because the person she chose to have a family s Warner instead of Adam. The one she loves instead of the one she doesn't. What the **** is wrong with me? "Oh Juliette" I breath and wrap my arms around her, crushing her to me. It's a bit awkward due to her pregnancy, but it feels like the best thing in the world.after a moment she wraps her arms around me too, and I feel wet on my shoulder. Pregnant woman! "I'm sorry" she whispers, her voice muffled by my neck. "I shouldn't of told you like that.." "No, I'm sorry. I didn't support you when you needed support the most. I love you Juliette. You're like a sister to me." I clench her dark hair in my fist. "I was such a dick to you, and I just want you to take me back. Oh god I'm sorry" And then I'm crying, and I'm not even pregnant. "I'll always take you back Kenj." She says, and the use of my nickname brings a warmth to my insides. God, how could I live without her? Juliette POV We get down to the training room. My tears have dried on my cheeks, and i feel like a massive weight has been lifted of from my shoulders. The training room is just as it was 3 months ago. Machines of all descriptions perimeter the big room. Weights and excessive balls hang on the steel walls, and the steady hum of air conditioning fills the air. I hear a nursery from the observation room. A smile rises on my lips. I finally get to see everyone! I ram open the door with my shoulder, and am greeted by squeals, laughs and welcoming arms. I'm pressed against warm bodies, and tears spill over my cheeks for the second time in the last 10 minutes. Alia, Lily, Winston, Brendan, Castle... so many people. And then there's Adam. He's staring at my stomach like it's the ugliest thing he's ever seen. And he's mad, oh boy, he's mad. "What the hell? That dick got you pregnant? I'm going to murder that sorry ass!" He's basically screaming now, his face contorted by rage. I can't move. I'm so scared. Frightened out of my skin, I haven't been this scared since Anderson. And it's Adam who's scaring me. Kenji takes a protective step in front of me. "For God sakes Adam, leave her alone. It's her life, you don't control it." His voice was sharp enough to cut glass. But Adam didn't seem to care, he just kept shouting. "Her life, her life?! Yea, we'll she's f****** it up. I'm the one who saved her. I'm the one who saved her from this place and his sorry ass, just so she can come back and sleep with him! You want me to leave her alone? Fine I'm leaving. Tomorrow I'll be gone." And with that he stormed out of the room, leaving 7 shell-shocked people to stare after him. After 5 4 3 2 1 Seconds Kenji speaks. "What a f***** b****! I can't believe he said that to you! Juliette? Are you alright? I'm sorry about him. I swear he'll never get over you. Ahhhhhhhhhh! What an ass!" This gets a small smile out of me while I answer. "I'm fine Kenji. He made his choice and I made mine long ago. He just didn't accept it." What I didn't say was that I was breaking inside. I wanted so badly for my nightmares to not be true, just be a figment of my imagination. But after that, I know Adam is a threat to me and my baby. I honestly thought he was getting better and that there was a chance that we could be friends. But now i force myself to realise that whatever we could've salvaged from our relationship is now gone. There is nothing left. And I am afraid. Warners POV I walk into the training room to find the group surrounding a person. At first I wonder who it is, but one look at the person's dark hair and overgrown stomach and I know who it is. Juliette. She doesn't see me and so I just watch her. She seems to be enthusiastically telling a story to everyone and I realise how much she had missed everyone these past few months. After the incident with Kenji I'm surprised to see his arm around her, his sarcasm egging the story on. And the I see a certain lightness to Juliette that I haven't been able to give her. I know she loves me, and I love her, but now i know that i won't ever be able to give her what her friends can. The weight on her shoulders from these past months has finally lifted, leaving her carefree and smiling. And it makes me happy. So, so happy to see my one love smiling again. I've only been watching her for 10 minutes when Kenji sees me and I have to 'interact' with everyone. "So the prince's back. We were wondering when you were going to show." Juliette looks from Kenji to me to Kenji to me to Kenji and back at me again. She has the biggest smile on her face. She looks like the world has just granted her the best 2 wishes she could've asked for. Without warning she pulls me and Kenji into her, wrapping us in a group hug. "I'm so glad things are finally better" she whispers and hugs us tighter. I don't know what to do with my arms that hang limply by my side, so I just end up awkwardly patting her on the back and trying to avoid getting touched by Kenji. What makes it even more awkward is that her stomach blocks us from really hugging her, so it's a half, upper-body hug. Still it's nice, minus the Kenji part. When she finally pulls back, she has unshed tears in her eyes. She turns to the group. "Well everyone, it's been a long day. I've loved catching up with you guys and I'll be back tomorrow." She gives everyone one last hug before turning back to me. "Has your meeting finished or do you have to go back?" I immediately see that she needs to tell me something so decide my meeting can wait. " I have to go back but I can stay with you if you want." She sighs a heavy sigh before replying. "No. You better go back before one of the other sectors destroys another." she gives me a weak smile. I realise everyone's still watching us and I'm suddenly in a hurry to get away. "Okay love. But I'll walk you back to our room if you want?" "Well I'm starving so I think I'll head to the kitchen. It's on the way to the meeting room so we can walk together." After one last wave to everyone we head out.

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