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I awoke to a steady swaying motion. Someone was carrying me, bridal style. I kept my eyes closed, too exhausted to try.
"Kakashi-Sensei, what are you going to do with him?" I heard a female voice ask.
"I'm not exactly sure just yet," a man's voice replied.
"Then why'd we pick him up? He could be a spy, or an assassin!" Cried a loud, boy's voice.
"If he was any of those things, do you think he'd be able to do anything in the state he's in?" Another boy's voice, smoother his time, replied. Wait, could they be enemies? Should I allow myself to be with them? Maybe I should try to escape.......With the state I'm in though, I'd barely make it to the nearest tree, I made up my mind. I tried to jump up, but the pain going throughout my body, just made me stop. I sat up, and almost fell from my captor's arms. I flinched from the pain. My captor stopped, and I felt him gently set me onto the grassy ground. I gripped the grass tightly, when I felt a hand on my injured leg.
"This may hurt a bit. Sakura, apply pressure, once I get he kunai dislodged from her leg," the man's voice spoke again. I felt hands near he kunai in my leg, I tried to kick them away, but felt someone else pin my legs. A hand grabbed the kunai, and it was quickly pulled out. I shouted, and jerked upward. Someone pinned my upper half down. I felt pressure on my injury, and I grit my teeth. Soon, my pain was numbing, and I calmed down.
"How did you get this way?" Asked the man's voice. I couldn't respond; I didn't respond.
"What is your name?" He asked. I didn't respond.
"What village are you from?" He asked. I didn't respond.
"Where's your identification?" He asked. I growled slightly, as he went to go through my front vest pockets. I slowly opened my eyes, and found myself looking into the eye of a man with premature silver hair. He looked to be about three years older than me.
"What? I'm looking or identification. It's not like there's anything wrong with me touching a man's chest," he said. I, on reflex, raised Mt hand and hit him on the top of his head. I propped myself up on my elbows, and looked at him.
"Hey! Not cool dude! How dare you injure my sensei!" Cried a yellow haired boy. He'd been the loud one. I dit respond to him.
"Hey, don't ignore me! I'm talking to you!" He cried. I didn't respond to him. He quickly ripped off my mask and skullcap.
"Naruto!" Cried the girl. She had pink hair, and was holding a bloodied cloth to my injured leg. I glared at the boy called Naruto.
"Hey, kid, it's not very polite to take off another ninja's mask," I weakly spoke. My brown hair flowed onto the ground.
"Ah! Another boy that looks like a girl!" Naruto cried. I glared at him.
"I'm a girl, thank you very much," I replied, weakly.
"Then why are you wearing a male ninja's uniform?" The girl, Sakura, asked.
"I don't know, I can't remember anything prior to yesterday. I woke up covered in blood, to a man getting killed," I explained calmly.
"How awful!" Cried Sakura. I shrugged my shoulders.
"All I know, is that my name is Emari," I replied.
"It's alright now Miss Emari. You'll be okay, we're taking you to the Village Hidden in the Leaves," the man said. I nodded, and tried to get up.
"Stop! If you move too much your wound won't heal," Sakura cried. I stopped moving, and listened. The man picked me up, and I looked at him strange.
"What? I'm helping," he exclaimed.
"Yet, it feels strange to be carried by a man," I replied flatly. He carried me with ease, and he was followed by Sakura and Naruto. A boy with black hair, also, quietly followed.
"You know, you're more docile than you think," the man said to me.
"Ha! Don't kid yourself, Mister Silver," I retorted.
"Mister Silver? Oh, okay Miss Mystery," He replied. I glared at him, and I looked like a growling dog. He smiled at me, and I rolled my eyes.
"So, what happened that you ended up here?" He asked.
"Actually...........I woke up, someone screaming for me. The ground was stained with blood, someone was being killed, and I was covered in blood," I explained calmly. The man looked at me with a worried expression.
"Uh, um......We'll get you fixed up," the man said, and we started walking again.

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