New Year's

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It was now December 30th, one day before New Year's Eve and two days before the new year of 2016. Christmas has passed and I had a wonderful experience. On the 24th my dad and I had our special dinner that we used to have with my mom. It consisted of fresh ham, potato salad, corn, cranberry sauce, green beans, and some mashed potatoes. For dessert I made my mom's recipe for homemade apple pie. My dad said that it was delicious and it really was.

And on Christmas I had asked my dad not to get me anything but of course he got me something. He doesn't believe in a presentless Christmas. He went out and bought me a yellow bug. It was by far the best, almost not wanted, Christmas present ever. It had lots of imperfections like the missing pieces of leather in the seats and the little nicks and dents on the outside of the car. Other people would see destruction I see personality.

From what I know Killian had his brother and father over for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. He said that they ate lots of food on the 24th and watched A Christmas Story all day long on the 25th. Killian said that his brother had brought him a rare Porthole Knotboard. This unique porthole was made using a brass porthole recovered from a shipwreck with the story of the wreck painted around the rim.

His father had brought him a fruit cake. Killian had never been close with his father and his father has never paid much attention to him. He just comes around for Christmas then disappears for another year then shows up again the next. Killian's brother, Liam was in the Navy as well. He served three more years then Killian, that totals up to nine years in the Navy.

Killian had invited me over to his house on New Year's Eve to celebrate the ball drop in Times Square, New York City. It is a tradition all across America to watch the famous ball drop and hear the millions of screams, cheers, and dancing. People drink away their problems of the year past and start off fresh.

All of my friends are long gone and I had just left my house to go over to Killian's. It was our third official date and I wore a white t-shirt that said "Wifi Pizza Sweatpants Big Dreams" on the cover of it. I had on grey baggy sweatpants, my grey boots, and my elegant grey coat. I was also wearing my swan necklace and promise ring that Killian gave me.

I drove my bright yellow bug down Atlantic Ave. to Killian's house and knocked on the door. Today we were just hanging out watching, The Notebook on Netflix, it's my favorite movie of all time. He answered the door in a fitting white shirt and navy blue sweatpants. He was wearing a pair of fluffy wool slippers.

"Come in Swan." I stepped right through the door. My dad thinks that I'm at Ruby's watching a movie too. When I stepped through the door and into the hallway I immediately smelled the delicious popcorn popping in the microwave from the kitchen.

"Smells good Killian." Just as I said that the buzzer on the microwave went off and the popcorn was done.

"I'll go get that. Can you select the movie?"

"Yeh sure," I walked over to the living room and picked up the remote.

"Do you want butter or extra butter?"

"Extra extra butter please," I said smiling. He chuckled and returned to the kitchen and I returned to the movie selection on Netflix.

I finally found The Notebook and pressed the "select" button on the remote and the movie started to play.

"Killian hurry up it's started!"

"Calm down Swan I'm coming," he entered the living room with a huge bowl filled with at least three packs of popcorn and I could smell the melted butter all over it. He must've used at least a stick and a half of butter for that huge bowl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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